August 08, 2012 at 9:58pm
Interesting that the Historic Cannon County Chamber of Commerce has not already acted in this manner. Call it what it is. TOURISM. Tennessee's most rapidly growing INDUSTRY. Wake up Cannon County! Glad to see those who have become impatient enough to move forward with this idea. Cannon County is years behind in developing and promoting its natural resources. One much needed idea is to have brochures printed for Cannon County and get them into every Interstate Visitor's Center that is possible. People won't come if they don't know about us! Every business in Cannon County gains from tourist revenues either directly or indirectly. Want to help reduce budget deficits? Increase revenues. Not taxes.
August 09, 2012 at 10:51am
The Cannon County Chamber of Commerce is doing its part to promote the County as much as financially possible. The Chamber has put out a very nice brochure type piece that promotes some of the tourist attractions in Cannon County such as the Arts Center, the Distillery, the Readyville Mill and more. The State Tourism Development has partnered up with the County through the Chamber to provide bus tours for people primarily in Metro Davidson County to come visit and tour these attractions and more.
Bonnie you make a couple of important points. The word needs to get out to as many tourist stops and visitors centers around the state as possible. Also the other point is in order to keep property taxes from being raised to support government services, various ways of revenue must be explored. One of the leading revenue gainers in this County comes from tourism dollars and although the Chamber appreciates the investments made recently from the county and city, there is much more money needed in order to be able to do an significantly effective job in the area of promoting the county. It is of my opinion in watching the proceedings of government meetings that there are a lot of people that do not understand just how powerful a Chamber of Commerce can be for their community. Cannon County is the only Chamber of Commerce amongst 4 that I have been a part of that does not have an active role in Industrial Recruiting. With the new industrial board in place, there are changes being made to where the Chamber will be utilized in that area. Most county governments when called upon for a industrial question immediately turn it over to their Chamber. What needs to happen is that everyone needs to recognize just how effective a Chamber can be, call upon the governments to invest in it significantly and once that is accomplished sit back and reap the rewards of the revenue dollars that it will bring back to the County through increased industry and tourism. I can not stress enough that the Chamber if utilized and invested in correctly can be the leading backbone of Cannon County thus increasing revenues and lowering the threat of governments having to raise taxes to any significant level.
August 09, 2012 at 10:52am
Well put Bonnie!
August 09, 2012 at 10:43pm
Thanks VickieMc and thanks also to Keith Ready for an explanation regarding efforts of the Chamber of Commerce. Perhaps the Chamber and this new group can partner together to achieve like goals. Let's hope they realize that such efforts must not be directed solely at Woodbury but also to the entire county. From Readyville to Short Mtn. and all significant points between need to be included in this all encompassing effort. It is the natural beauty and resources of all the county that must be marketed. The Chamber might first consider signage sufficient for our visitors to locate them. Better signage for the Library might also be helpful. And for the rock quarry? Don't worry about them. They seem to be hard at work reducing visibility issues from the westward approach to Woodbury. The City needs to be thinking now how to protect its new "look" that is developing and not let it be marred by the wrong type of signage along the highway. First impressions are often the last impressions.