Residents of Cannon County need to be aware of a public records scam going on, said Sandy Hollandsworth, Register of Deeds.
"The information in the Register of Deeds Office is public record so anyone can access it. A company out of Westlake Village, California has access through the internet and once they see that property has changed hands, they send a very official looking letter to the buyer," Hollandsworth said.
"The letter leaves the impression that the buying process is NOT over and that this is an important step that will provide them with important information for their records. The fact of the matter is, for $83 they are providing the buyer with information they probably got at their real estate closing or that they can get from the Courthouse for free," the Register said.
At the end of the official looking letter, it does say "this product or service has not been approved, or endorsed by any government agency. This is not a bill. This is a solicitation; you are under no obligation to pay the amount stated."
But some Cannon Countians are still falling for the document, which allows people to pay by phone.
If you receive a similar letter you should contact the Register of Deeds at 615-563-2041.