Two women were charged with Disorderly Conduct on Dec. 6 after a deputy had to break up a fight between them at the Cannon County Courthouse.
Cannon County Sheriff’s Deputy Brandon Gullett was dispatched to the courthouse on that date for a report of two women fighting in the parking lot.
Upon arrival Deputy Gullett asked Stacie Leann Smith, 1111 Red Hill Rd., Woodbury, and Lonnie Marie Atnip, 724 Taylor Rd., Woodbury, to calm down. However, both continued to fight.
The argument apparently involved a case which was being heard in juvenile court. Judge Susan Melton had earlier told one of the women to leave the courtroom because she was disrupting the proceedings.
Deputy Gullett arrested both women and took them to the Cannon County Jail, where they were booked and then released on $500 bond apiece. Their initial court date is Jan. 3.