The Woodbury Police Department served warrants last week on a woman who has been charged with passing over $3,500 in worthless checks.
Lisa M. Pyles, of DeKalb County, was served on June 16 by Woodbury Police Dept. Asst. Chief Darrell Young.
The worthless checks were passed at various locations in Woodbury and Cannon County between Dec. 14 and Dec. 21, 2009.
The number of checks passed were 12, totaling over $3,515.90, including two over $500.
In other recent WPD activity:
• Charges are pending against a man who was injured in a one-vehicle accident on June 22. Larry Hollis, of 532 Bryant Lane, Woodbury, ran over an old mailbox, then turned around, pulled up in front of an apartment, and (then) rolled backward down an embankment.
Hollis was ejected from the truck and hit his head a concrete porch, causing a laceration, and he was taken to Vanderbilt hospital for treatment. A toxicology screen was performed and results are pending. Sgt. Kevin Mooneyham investigated.
• Alicia Bernadette Pinkerton was charged by Patrolman Chris Brown on June 22 with driving on a suspended license.
• Christopher Carroll Widmer was charged with driving on a suspended license and speeding on June 16 by Patrolman Tracy Stoetzel.
• Robin Wilmoth was charges by Patrolman John Fesmire on June 13 with driving without a valid license.
• Bridgette Johnson was charged on June 13 by Patrolman John Fesmire with driving on a suspended license.