The Cannon County Walking Horse Association would like to invite all 2009 Members and Shareholders to the 2010 Annual Meeting. The 2010 Annual Meeting is set for Saturday January 23, 2010 at the Woodbury Lions Club Building, Woodbury, Tennessee.
The agenda of the evening consist of a Pot Luck Meal beginning at 6:00 p.m., Election of Officers and Board Members and an Auction of donated items. Members & Shareholders are invited to bring a dish for the pot luck supper, enjoy the meal and donate to or bid at the auction. Most importantly, come enjoy the friendships and reminisce over the 2009 memories and accomplishments.
All are invited to provide the association with an email and receive event fliers, news bulletins, updates, etc via email. To take advantage of the association’s website and place yourself on the email information list, please visit . For more details on the upcoming 2010 Annual Meeting, please contact .
I look forward to welcoming and visiting with each of you on January 23, 2010. Plans are underway for an evening of fun and enjoyment; on behalf of everyone involved in the planning process, we hope to see Members & Shareholders at the annual meeting.
Good Luck & Happy Trails in 2010,
Benny Lance
2009 CCWHA President