EDITOR’S NOTE: For the next several weeks the Cannon Courier is profiling local agencies which receive support from the United Way. You can donate to the United Way at the three local banks, through your workplace program, or at www.uwrutherford.org.
Cannon County 4-H has touched the lives of virtually every Cannon County youth at one time or another, through local club meetings at one of Cannon County’s grammar schools, or activities such as 4-H camp; where countless youth have experienced responsibility, teamwork, and a sense of nature. Cannon County has the proud distinction of being the largest youth development organization in the county, with annual memberships reaching over 1,000 youth enrolled in 32 projects.
Each October, local 4-H clubs are organized in each of the six grammar schools including the high school and a 4-H home school program. Each club meets monthly focusing on developing communication skills and workforce preparation skills.
Annually, over 700 youth learn how to deliver a speech or demonstration as a result of the 4-H public speaking and electrical demonstration contests. Many will participate in the bread baking, 4-H art poster, or project demonstration contest. All of our 4th graders will learn where their food comes from and safety as a result of participating in the annual 4-H Farm Day. Over seventy 4-Hers learn valuable decision making skills and team building as a result of participating on numerous 4-H judging teams such as livestock, poultry, and forestry. Each year over fifty 4-Hers will learn develop leadership, responsibility, and develop positive self esteem as a result of participating in numerous animal projects by exhibiting in the 4-H beef, goat, sheep, horse, or chick chain.
4-H offers special opportunities for the Junior High and Senior High Youth. Leadership and Service Learning are the corner stone for these programs. Upon reaching the 6th grade 4-Hers are eligible for membership in the 4-H Honor Club. Members of the 4-H Honor Club participate in leadership training, teambuilding and service learning programs. Some past projects of the group includes landscaping around county and civic buildings, food and toy drives, and visiting the nursing home. Recently, members of the group participated in the “Career Exploration Program” conducted in cooperation with the Farm Bureau Women’s Organization, where participants spent a day with a person in the career field of their interest. Cannon County is proud to boast one of the largest Honor Club delegations in the state with membership pushing toward 100.
In addition to the vast opportunities to “Learn by Doing” here at home, 4-H offers youth the opportunity to learn and serve across the state. Annually, approximately 50 youth will pack their bags and spend a glorious week experiencing nature and making new friends at 4-H camp. Our 4-Hers have had the opportunity to see first-hand how laws are made by attending State 4-H Congress, a week-long trip to the state capitol where 4-Hers introduce, debate, and vote on mock legislative bills. Upon completing a 4-H Record Portfolio, 4-Hers travel to 4-H Roundup where they spend the week of a lifetime competing against other finalists from around the state all the while making friendships that will last a lifetime and growing themselves as a result. Junior High 4-Hers have the unique experience of being selected to study their project subject matter with specialists from the University of Tennessee at 4-H Academic Conference, gaining valuable subject matter knowledge while getting to experience life on a college campus.
Cannon County 4-H has something for everyone; not only the kids. With over 70 adult volunteers working with our youth, either training a judging team, helping to raise funds, or encouraging their class to participate in the many 4-H contests, the possibilities are endless. Tennessee 4-H will turn 100 next year, with a proud past and promising future; we invite anyone to call 563-2554 or stop by the UT Extension office and see what 4-H has to offer you!
Provides educational experiences designed to stimulate young people to gain knowledge, develop like skills, and form positive attitudes to prepare them to become capable, responsible, and compassionate skills. 614 Lehman St., Woodbury, TN 37190 (615) 563-2554 (C).
Tennessee 4-H encourages diverse groups of youth to develop their unique skills and talents to the fullest potential. Young people participate in 4-H through clubs, special interest groups, after-school programs, camps and many other activities.
“Learning by doing” through hands-on activities and community involvement empowers 4-H’er’s to develop and strengthen life skills. 4-H is a family affair. This includes the parent-child relationship and the extended family of community and state. It is a unique blend of government, private business and volunteers working together to broaden the horizons of Tennessee’s young people. 4-H is fun for both child and adult. 4-H is for YOUth!