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4th Annual Cannon County
Kids Fishing Rodeo
Saturday, June 6
The event is for kids 12 and under and is planned for Saturday, June 6 from 9 a.m. until noon at Dillon Park. The first 120 participants will receive a goodie bag. "Bring your own bait." The event is hosted by American Legion Post 279 and the Ladies' Auxilary. Questions? Call Mark Vance, 615-203-4688
Pocahontas Community Center
1st and 3rd Fridays
A country music jam sessions is set for the first and third Fridays of each month at the Pocahontas Community Center, 1441 Pocahontas Road, Morrison. Musicians sign up at 5:30 and the music starts at 6pm. Open to the public, spectators and dancers are welcome. Admission is free. For more info call Ray at 615-765-7835 or John 931-588-1229.
Summer Reading Sign-Up Underway
This week sign up for the Summer Reading Program continues at Adams Library. Summer Reading is for everyone -- all ages are included. This year for children birth to 4 years and children 4 to 12 years the subject is Every Hero Has a Story. For Teens, ages 12 to 17, the theme is Unmask. The topic for adults, ages 18 and up, is Escape the Ordinary. Every book counts toward the Summer Reading Program prizes.
80 Portraits of Cannon County
Cannon Hall
May - October
Framed vintage family photos from the breadth of Cannon County families will be on display in Cannon Hall beginning in May 2015 and will conclude with an old fashioned "family reunion" reception in October 2015.
Cannon Hall is a 2,600 square foot exhibition and event space located inside The Arts Center at 1424 John Bragg Highway, Woodbury.. We display works from our collection as well as loaned works from private collections and public institutions. Admission to Cannon Hall is free.
Southern Fried Nuptials
The Arts Center
Through June 13--The Arts Center presents "Southern Fried Nuptials", a comedy that will keep you laughing long after you go home. Shows begin at 7:30 on Friday and Saturday and 2 p.m. on Sunday. The Blue Porch Restaurant will be open if you wish to make it dinner and a show. Contact 615-563-2787 for further information.
Music Night at the
Cannon County Senior Center
Friday, June 5
The event will feature Slick Nickel Band. Admission is $5. Doors open at 6 p.m. Music starts at 7p.m.
Come on out and enjoy some good music, line-dancing and good times at your Senior Center!
Fall Classes
Head Start Program
Recruiting beings
The Mid-Cumberland Head Start / Early Head Start Program is recruiting children for Fall classes. Children from birth to age four are age eligible; however, a child must not have turned five by August 15, 2015. Pregnant mothers are encouraged to apply. Children with special needs are also encouraged to apply. Any parent/ guardian who is interested in enrolling their special needs preschooler in the Head Start/ Early Head Start Program for the 2015-2016 school year is urged to contact:
Lori Reed, Family Service Coordinator
Eva Woodlee, Area Manager
(615) 563-5852 or come by 630 West Lehman Street in Woodbury
Liberty Yard Sale
Liberty Yard Sale is set for Saturday, June 6.
June Bug Family Day
Short Mt. Trading Post
Saturday, June 6
The Short Mountain Trading Post has their JUNE BUG FAMILY FUN DAY scheduled for Saturday June 6th from 10 to 5. Lots of fun and FREE LUNCH for everyone. Those interested in reserving their FREE vending space in the Flea Market section of this event, please call: Savannah: 615-464-7824 as soon as possible. The Short Mountain Distillery will be hosting reserved tours of their facility and the Stillhouse Restaurant will be serving their delicious farm to table meals from noon till 9:00. Make a day of it and ENJOY !!!
Radio Exam
Saturday, June 6
The DeKalb/Cannon County Amateur Radio Club is sponsoring an Amateur Radio Exam Session on Saturday, June 6 at 1 p.m. (Walk-ins are welcome) at the Cannon County High School - Room # 115, 1 Lion Drive, Woodbury. Contact Jerry E. Elkins - N4LZY at (615) 563-8888 or check out the club's website at if anyone has any questions.
Cross Country
Car Wash
Saturday, June 6
The Cannon County High School cross country team will have a car wash on Saturday, June 6 from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the First National Bank in Woodbury to raise funds for their 2015 season. Tickets are $5 each and can be purchased from any team member.
Gassaway Homecoming
Saturday, June 6
The annual Gassaway Homecoming is set for Gassaway Community. Enjoy games, vendors, food, music and a parade.
Vacation Bible School
Sycamore Baptist
June 8-12
Sycamore Baptist Church Vacation Bible School - June 8 to 12 from 6:30 to 8:30 nightly. The fun game show theme is "Vacation Bible Duel." The church is located at 7165 Sycamore Creek Rd., Woodbury.
Free Movies Begin
at Adams Library
Tuesday, June 9
On June 9 Adams Library begins its summer movie program. Come to the Jennings Community Room, hang out in the cool, eat some popcorn, have a drink, meet some new friends, visit with some old friends (quietly, of course) and enjoy a FREE movie on the big screen. What's the movie? Come by or call the library to find out.
Community Heroes
Adams Library
Thursday, June 11
On June 11, Adams Library will have a Summer Reading Program event called Community Heroes. For this event you must have your own car or driver. During this event, for all ages, we will take a trip to the 911 Center for a tour. We'll meet some of the local Heroes who stand ready to meet any emergency. The Library will not be providing transportation, so make sure you have your own ride for this exciting and informative Hero event. Thursday, June 11, 1 p.m., @ Adams.
Cannon County Boat Day
Saturday, June 13
The Stones River Watershed Association is inviting you to come join in the fun with its annual event held across from the Readyville Mill on the East Fork of the Stones River. Come use our kayaks, canoes, paddles and life jackets. The family friendly event will be on calm water with helpful advice for beginners of all ages. If you have paddled before, come on out just for the fun. It's Saturday, June 13 from 9 a.m. until noon. For more more information or questions, call David Zabriskie at 615-563-5440.
Cruise-In on the Square
3 to 7 p.m. Saturday, June 27
On the Square in Woodbury. See antique cars, customs, race cars and hotrods. Contact 615-542-4065 or 615-653-5834.
Fireworks Display
Friday, July 3
Presented by American Legion Post 279, the annual event is set for Dillon Park. Contact 615-563-5480 for more information.
Lions Club One Night
Walking Horse Show
Saturday, July 4
Tennessee's top One Night show set for the Horse Arena in Woodbury. Contact Bruce Steelman for information. 615-563-2554.
Senior Conservancy
at the Arts Center
July 6-17
At the Arts Center of Cannon County. Contact 615-563-2787.
Bring It On
The Musical
July 10-25
Will take the stage at the Arts Center of Cannon County. Contact 615-563-2787.
Cruise-In on the Square
3 to 7 p.m. Saturday, July 25
Includes a food drive to benefit the Food Bank. All cars and trucks welcome. Contact John Barker at 615-542-4065.