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Solar Energy Lunch & Learn for Farmers & Rural Businesses
Wednesday, April 30
LightWave Solar will host an event to explain the benefits of adding solar photovoltaics (PV) to farms and rural businesses. The presentation will cover the basics of solar energy including system components, costs, and a breakdown of the available incentives, including TVA's solar buyback program, which still has limited capacity for 2014, and the USDA REAP grant which covers up to 25 percent of system cost. The USDA is now accepting grant applications, and USDA Rural Development representatives will be present. The event is free, and lunch will be provided!
Wednesday, April 30 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Art Center of Cannon County
1424 John Bragg Hwy
Woodbury, TN 37190
Please RSVP to Grace Robertson at 615-641-4050 x104 or
Short Mountain Trading Post needs Farmer’s Market participants
Short Mountain Trading Post: Looking for Farmer's Market participants, Flea Market vendors and local craftspeople. To sign up, contact Savannah at 615-464-7824. Free spaces available. Call today!
Relay for Life
Thursday, May 1
Moonlite Drive-In
The Cannon County Relay for Life at the Moonlite Drive-In in Woodbury, from 6 to 9 p.m. Contact Wendy at Stones River Hospital (615) 563-7207 or email:
Trust Fund Meeting
Pleasant View Cemetery
Saturday, May 3
There will be a trust fund meeting for the Pleasant View Cemetery Saturday, May 3, at 10 a.m. at the old school building. A new treasurer will be elected and other business matters will be conducted. Everyone interested in the upkeep of the cemetery should make it a point to attend the meeting.
Gassaway Community
Fish Supper
Saturday, May 3
A community-wide fish supper is set for Gassaway Community Center for 5 to 8 p.m. Tickets are $8.
Class of 54
Saturday, May 3
The Class of 1954 will hold its 60-year reunion at 2 p.m. May 3 at the Arts Center. For more information and reservations to attend, call 464-4500, 563-4165 or 563-2620. April 24 is reservations deadline.
Jazz Fest
Friday, May 2-3
Murfreesboro Square
Bring your lawn chair or blanket and enjoy the best of local, regional and nationally-known jazz musicians in the shadow of the Rutherford County Courthouse. Area high school bands will perform Friday from 6 to 11 p.m. On Saturday, the performance schedue runs from 11 a.m – to 9:30 p.m. with featured acts including Kevin Whalum, Dara Tucker, Music City Swing and the 129th Army Jazz Band.
Renaissance Festival
Weekends in May
The 29th Tennessee Renaissance Festival will take place every weekend in May plus Memorial Day with themed events. May 3 & 4 is Community Appreciation; May 10 & 11 is Pirate Weekend; May 17 & 18 is Celtic Weekend; and May 24-25 & 26 Royal Joust Tournament. Tickets are $20 for adults and $7 for children ages 6-to-12 years-old. Children 5-under are admitted free. Parking is free and there also is a free children's art and activity area.
Castle tours are on open festival days from 11 a.m.-to-3 p.m. Tickets are available at or at the gate. For opening weekend only, with two paid adults, children 12-and-younger, plus two grandparents are admitted free. This $94 value is only $40. Tickets for this deal is only available at the gate.
IDB meeting
Tuesday, May 6
At 6 pm: Industrial Development Board Meeting at the Cannon County Arts Center
Spring Fling
on the Square
Friday, May 9-10
Spring Fling On The Square in Woodbury welcomes you to shop the many stores and eat at the unique café’s on and around the square in Woodbury. Contact The Old Feed Store Antique Mall at (615) 563-2108 for further information.
Farm Day
Friday, May 9
The 12th Annual Farm Day hosted by the Cannon County Farm Bureau and University of Tennessee Extension is scheduled for Friday, May 9 at the Cannon County Fairgrounds. Farm day is a fun filled, exciting opportunity for 4th graders throughout the County. This hands-on event will give them a feel of life on the farm. 4-H'ers will see and learn about exciting things such as: Animals, Animals, Animals!!!, Creek Creatures, Forestry, Planting Plowing and Harvesting, Farm Equipment, Barnyard Olympics, Soils and much more.
“The Reluctant Dragon”
Arts Center of Cannon County.
Friday, May 9-10
The Reluctant Dragon
Friday, May 9 at 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, May 10 at 2: p.m.
What happens when a dragon moves into the neighborhood? Find out in this delightful play based on the story by Kenneth Grahame. Our dragon, as magnificent as any dragon who ever took the stage, is not the fearsome type. He, like the boy who befriends him, is more interested in art and poetry. The villagers, however, assume that they are in grave danger and send for Sir George, the renowned dragon slayer to save them. With the boy’s help, Sir George learns that the dragon poses no threat to anyone, but to keep the villagers happy, he and the dragon stage a mock battle with great showmanship.
Directed by Miriam Lee, The Reluctant Dragon features Cody Rutledge as the Dragon. Cast members include Christian Bare, Aaron Gray, Hattie Fann, Amanda Sullivan, Phil Mote, Miriam Lee, Maya Denning, Hannah Taylor, Beau Gibbs and James Bessant.
Largest One-Day Mule Show
Pemberton Arena
Saturday, May 10
Mule Skinners Association’s Largest One Day Mule Show at the Pemberton Covered Arena at the Fair Grounds in Woodbury. Contact Andy Duggin at (615) 624-1708 or visit the website at
County Commission
5 p.m. Tuesday, May 13
Cannon County Commission meets at the Cannon County Courthouse.
Cannon County
Historical Society
Tuesday, May 13
The guest speaker will be Britt Knox who will be present information on Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest’s Rear Guard. The meeting will begin with refreshments at 6:30 p.m. at the Cannon County Senior Ceter, 609 Lehman St.
Chamber “After Hours”
Wednesday, May 14
at Cannonsburgh
4:30 pm: Cannon County Chamber of Commerce “After Hours” Mixer at Cannonsburgh in Murfreesboro. Showcasing businesses and events available in Cannon County. Contact the Chamber at (615) 563-2222 for further information.
The Cannon Courier Hall of Fame
Arts Center of Cannon County
6:30 p.m. May 15
The Cannon Courier Hall of Fame & All-Sports Awards Banquet at The Arts Center of Cannon County. Purchase tickets by May 12th by calling (615) 563-2512.
Good Ole Days
Woodbury Public Square
Starts at noon, Friday, May 16-17
Good Ole Days sponsored by the Cannon County Senior Center on the square, in Woodbury, enjoy entertainment, food, pageants, vendors, parade, craft booths and more, vendors will be needed. Sponsored by the Cannon County Senior Citizens Center, contact (615) 563-5304 for information.
Midnight Riders
Arts Center of Cannon County
Saturday, May 24
7:30 pm: Midnight Riders (An Allman Brothers Tribute band) in concert at the Arts Center of Cannon County.
Southern Fried Funeral
Arts Center of Cannon County
Opens May 30
"Southern Fried Funeral"opens at 7:30 p.m. Dewey Frye is dead and the aftermath is choas, as his wife and daughters deal with the funeral, bicker amoung themselves and rebuff Dewey's mercenary brother.
Show dates and times are May 30, 31, June 6, 7, 13 & 14 at 7:30 p.m. and June 1 & 8 at 2 p.m.
Memorial Day Trail Ride
Saturday, May 24
Memorial Day Trail Ride Ride leaves the fairgrounds in Woodbury at 11 a.m., ride to the campgrounds on Short Mountain. Enjoy riding, camping, horse show, dancing, food and more. Visit the Website at for further information.
Cruis’in On the Square
Saturday, May 24
Cruis’in On the Square 3 p.m. in Woodbury.