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Free Legal Aid Clinic Wed., Sept. 18
Need free legal aid advice? Call SAVE at 563-6690 for an appointment.
Revival Sept. 19, 20, 21
Anchor of Hope Independent Baptist, 735 Doolittle Road, Woodbury will be hosting a revival September 19, 20, and 21 beginning at 7:00 p.m.
Morning at Seven, Friday, Sept. 20
Morning's At Seven at 7:30 p.m.The Arts Center of Cannon County, 1424 John Bragg Hwy., Woodbury, TN 37095. Call (615) 563-2787 for information. Continues weekends through Oct. 5. From the gentle eccentricities of four elderly sisters and their husbands the play is a vivid comedy about life in small-town America in 1922 when families could continue a lifetime's conversation across a backyard fence.
Annual Kittrell Reunion, Saturday, Sept. 21
The annual Kittrell School Reunion is set for 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Kittrell School. Call 615-896-3559.
Let’s Move Day, Sunday, Sept. 22
A free 5K run/walk is set for Dillon Park on Alexander Drive in Woodbury. The race starts at 3 p.m. Check in and registration begins at 2 p.m. Register by e-mail at or call Donna at 615-562-4178.
Marriage Seminar Friday and Saturday, September 27 and 28
94FM The Fish and Family Life present The Art of Marrriage hosted at Cannon Community Church, 209 Murfreesboro Road, Woodbury on Friday, September 27, 6:30-9:30 p.m. and Saturday, September 28, 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Who is this event for? Singles/engaged couples. Gives a great foundation for marriage, gives a clear understanding of what a marriage commitment truly is; married couples/divorced/remarried. Marriage is in a constant state of movement. Every marriae needs a tune up from time to time.
Our desire is to give individuals the tools to make their marriage strong, healthy and lasting. Cost is $39 per couples which includes two workbooks.
Register at
Economic and Community Development Board, Thursday, Sept. 26
Cannon County Joint Economic and Community Development Board meets at 6 the Cannon County Courthouse.
Piggin’ Around, Friday, Sept. 27
“Piggin' Around" A KCBS (fully sanctioned) Bar-B-Q cook-off at the Fairgrounds in Woodbury. For information, email or visit their website at
The Colors of Fall Car Show, Saturday, Sept. 28
The Color Of Fall Car Show on the Square in Woodbury. Registration will begin at 8 a.m until noon. All makes and models of cars and trucks are welcome. Contact Carolyn Motley at (615) 563-2222 for further information.
Piggin’ Around, Saturday, Sept. 28
"Piggin' Around" A KCBS (fully sanctioned) Bar-B-Q cook-off at the Fairgrounds in Woodbury. For information, email or visit their website at
Auburntown City Council, Tuesday, Oct. 1
Auburntown City Council Meeting 6 p.m. at the Library. Contact Mayor Roger Turner at (615) 464-4210.
Industrial Development Board, Tuesday, Oct. 1
Cannon County Joint Economic and Community Development Board meets at 6 the Cannon County Courthouse.
Auburntown Lions Club Fish Fry, Saturday, Oct. 5
At the Lions Club in Auburntown, noon Saturday.
Cannon County Chamber of Commerce, Mon, Oct. 7
Chamber of Commerce Board Meeting at the Stones River Hospital Board Room. Contact the Chamber at (615) 563-2222.
Food Giveaway October 8
Anchor of Hope Independent Baptist, 735 Doolittle Road, Woodbury will be hosting a food giveaway October 8, November 12 and December 10.
Woodbury Board of Aldermen, Tuesday, Oct. 8
Board of Mayor and Aldermen at City Hall at 101 Water Street, Woodbury.
School Board, Thursday, Oct. 10
Cannon County School Board Meeting at 6 p.m. in Woodbury Grammar School Cafeteria.
Benefit at Anchor of Hope Thursday, October 12
Anchor of Hope Independent Baptist, 735 Doolittle Road, Woodbury will be hosting a benefit chili supper on October 12 beginning at 5:00 p.m.
County Commission, Saturday, Oct. 19
Cannon County Commission 10 a.m. at the Cannon County Courthouse.
Craft Fair Saturday, Oct. 19
Anchor of Hope Independent Baptist, 735 Doolittle Road, Woodbury will be hosting a craft fair October 19, beginning at 9:00 a.m.
FCE Council Meeting, Thursday, Oct. 24
FCE County Council Meeting 9:30 a.m. at the UT Extension Office located at 514 Lehman St. in Woodbury. Contact Carla Bush at (615) 563-2554 for information.
Toy Drive Cruisin’, Saturday, Oct. 26
Toy-Drive Cruisin' On The Square at 4 p.m. Jennings Jewelers / Chamber of Commerce at the Woodbury town square. Bring a toy for underprivileged children at Christmas plus the 32 inch flat screen TV will be awarded at this cruise-in. All cars, trucks and motorcycles welcome. Contact John Barker at (615) 542-4065, or The Chamber of Commerce at (615) 563-2222 or email
Fish Fry, Saturday, Nov. 2
Auburntown Lions Club Fish Fry in Auburntown. Starts at noon.
Car Show Saturday, Nov. 2
Anchor of Hope Independent Baptist, 735 Doolittle Road, Woodbury will be hosting a car show November 2 beginning at 10:00 a.m.
Industrial Development Board, Tuesday, Nov. 5
Cannon County Industrial Board Meeting at 6 p.m. in the Courthouse. The public is welcome at IDB meetings.
Board of Aldermen, Tuesday, Nov. 5
Board of Mayor and Aldermen meets at 6 p.m. at City Hall at 101 Water Street, Woodbury.
City Council, Tuesday, Nov. 5
Auburntown City Council meeting at 6 p.m. in the Library. Contact Mayor Roger Turner at (615) 464-4210.
Veterans Day, Friday, Nov. 8
Veteran Days ceremonies start at 7:30 a.m. at the Cannon County High School with a full day of ceremonies and speakers. Contact Col. Jim Stone at (615) 563-6111, for further information.
Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat, Nov. 8
Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat opens at 7:30 p.m. at The Arts Center of Cannon County, 1424 John Bragg Highway. Call (615) 563-2787 for information.
Veterans Day, Saturday, Nov. 9
Veteran Days Events include a ceremony at the Courthouse followed by a Parade at 1:00 pm.