Woodbury Police
Drug Charges
Cameron Eward Schmidt was charged with simple possession of marijuana, a Schedule 6 controlled substance, and with possession of drug paraphernalia, including a pipe, grinder and a hitter. Schmidt was arrested by Patrolman Jimmy Hayes. A hearing is set for October 14 in General Sessions Court.
Eric Joseph Ruffin was charged with simple possession of marijuana by Patrolman Jimmy Hayes. A hearing is set for October 14 in General Sessions Court.
Driving on a Revoked
James Carrol was charged with driving on a revoked license, second offense, financial responsibility following running a stop sign at the corner of Highway 53N and McMinnville Highway. He was arrested by Patrolman Sebastian Krauss. A hearing is set for November 11.
Tony Ray Bain was charged with driving on a revoked or suspended license by Patrolman Jimmy Hayes. A hearing is set for October 14 in General Sessions Court.
Linda Sue Wilber was charged with DUI, driving a vehicle after being convicted as a habitual motor vehicle offender and driving on a revoked license by Patrolman John House. A hearing is set for December 9 in General Sessions Court.
Public Intoxication
Samuel C. Strang was charged with public intoxication by Patrolman Brent Brock. A hearing is set for General Sessions Court.
Cannon County
Sheriff's Department
Car Burglaries
Two Old Prospect Road families had their vehicles burglarized Monday (September 30).
Victim Justin Harris said someone broke out a window of his Chevy Tahoe and a bag was taken from the passenger seat.
Among the missing items were a Glock .380-caliber pistol, a HP external hard drive, a pair of Oakley sunglasses, two thumbdrives and a LED flashlight. Also taken were UHF Kenwood and VHS Kenwood receivers and a Garmin touchscreen GPS. The missing items were valued at more than $2,000.
A neighbor, Brandon Harrub, also reported that his 2001 Chevy Silverado had been broken into. The burglar rummaged through the truck, but nothing was reported taken.
The previous day, a similar auto burglary was reported by Tim Napier on Cannon Downs Drive.
Napier reported that a set of handcuffs, a black, tachtical flashlight and a can of Freeze +P pepper spray were taken.
Mrs. Napier reported that her van had been rummaged through and a Carmin GPS was taken
Shot fired
Jamon King was taken into custody after firing his shotgun into the air and ordering a MTEMC employee to reconnect his electricity. King said he was angry because he was getting dressed to go pay the bill when it was disconnected.
Warrants Served
Dillon J. Reger was served with warrants charing him with violations of probation (times two) and an amended violation of probation.
Sonia Michelle Lyons, amended violation of probation.
Tiffany Nichole Mullins-Cross, amended warrant.
Jeffery D. Hensley, was served with a capias.