A lengthy agenda is set for the Cannon County Board of Education when it meets Thursday at the Cannon County Courthouse.
September 8, 2011
Cannon County Courthouse
6:00 PM
1. Elect Chairperson and Chairperson pro-tem. – 1 minute
2. Approve Agenda. – 1 minute
3. Consent Agenda – 1 minute
a. Approve the minutes of the August 11, 2011 meeting of the Board
b. Approve list of coaches for Jr. Lions
c. Approve Extended Learning Proposal
d. Approve Complaint Managers at each school
e. Approve High School coaches and schedules
f. Approve bus trips #1221 and #1224
g. Approve agreement for METS trips
h. Approve request from Bryan Cofer to declare approximately 160 computers in storage as surplus
4. Aletha Thomas to address the Board concerning Kindergarten parents project to add trees to the WGS Campus – 2 minutes
5. Maxine Dawson will address the Board concerning a grant for which she has applied. – 2 minutes
6. William F. Curtis will address the Board concerning application for grants for the CCHS Amateur Radio Club – 3 minutes
7. Michael Dodgen will address the Board concerning private vehicle use policy. – 2 minutes
8. Jason Rust from Trane will address the Board concerning the geothermal units at Woodbury Grammar School. – 4 minutes
9. Kim Parsley will address the Board concerning gravel for Woodland School drive. – 3 minutes
10. Approve Audit Bid – 1 minute
11. Middle School Committee Report – 1 minute
12. Director’s Comments. – 3 minutes
a. Financial Report (if available)
b. Budget Update
c. Updates/Announcements
13. Chairman’s Comments. – 2 minutes
a. Director’s contract
b. Announce meeting of the Cannon County Commission September 15, 2011
c. TSBA Fall District Meeting
d. TSBA Convention
14. The next Board Meeting Workshop will be at the Central Office on October 11, 2011 at 6 PM. The next Regular Board Meeting will be Thursday, October 13, 2011 at 6 PM at the Cannon County Courthouse.