Jr. Pro basketball has come to an end in Cannon County.
However, there is still youth basketball, and most of its games will now be played at Cannon County High School.
The Cannon County Board of Education gave its approval Thursday night to a proposal made by the Cannon County Youth Basketball to play games at CCHS and also to use the money raised from proceeds as a fundraiser for the boys and girls basketball teams at the high school.
CCYB league administrators are Matt Rigsby and Michael Dodgen, coaches of the boys and girls basketball teams, respectively, at CCHS, and Teddy Taylor and Greg Mitchell. Administrators are not compensated for duties performed during CCYB events.
All proceeds will be split 50/50 with boys and girls basketball at CCHS. Fund raised will go towards day to day operations (bus costs, kid's apparel, film equipment, uniforms, basketballs, TSSAA officials/due, floor resurfacing, etc.).
Revenue/expenses will very from year to year due to the number of kids that sign up. All money from the operation will be reported to the high school's bookkeeper.
The CCYB season begins Saturday and ends Feb. 12. Games will be played at the CCHS gym on the following Saturdays: Nov. 13, 20; Dec. 11 18; January 8 ,15, 22, 29; and February 5, 7, 8, 10 and 12.
Some games, and team practices, will still be held at Veteran's Memorial Gymnasium, which is also owned, operated and maintained by Cannon County Schools.
The agreement between the school board and the CCYB also stipulates that the fundraiser will be the only one of its kind in Cannon County schools, and the only fundraiser for the basketball teams.
• Also Thursday night, the school board approved a new TCAP Grade Percentage Policy.
A new law requires Boards of Education to adopt a policy setting the TCAP scores as a percentage of the student’s final grade for the Spring semester in several subjects.
In the new High School Transition Policy, the State Board stipulated that End-of-Course assessments and Gateway assessments be factored into the student’s grade. The percentages were established that these assessments would count 20% of the second semester grade for the 2009-2010 and the 2010-2011 school years and 25% of the second semester grade in subsequent years.
In order to be consistent with the high school guidelines, the Cannon Co. Board of Education established a policy that reads:
“Student scores on the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program’s grades 3-8 achievement tests shall comprise 20% of the student’s final grade for the Spring semester of the 2010-2011 school year in the subject areas of Mathematics, Reading/Language Arts, Science and Social Studies.
This score will be adjusted to 25% of the student’s final grade for the Spring semester of the 2011-2012 school year.