APRIL 6, 2010
7:00 PM
· Call to Order
· Roll Call
· Approve minutes of the March 2, 2010 meeting
· Consider approval of Roadblock Permit for Cannon County Rescue Squad
· Mr. Roy Sullivan to discuss renewal of Inter-local agreement for dispatch services
· Consider adoption of Resolution authorizing the sale of the Gassaway area water lines to the DeKalb Utility District.
Whereas, DeKalb Utility District has agreed to purchase the portion of the Woodbury Water System water lines which serve the Gassaway area of Cannon County, Tennessee for the sum of $37,500.00 and to assume the balance of the 1997 debt obligation of the Town of Woodbury to the Rural Development United States Department of Agriculture as it relates to the construction of the lines serving the Gassaway area in the approximate principal amount of $215,000.00.
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that the Board of Mayor and Aldermen for the Town of Woodbury, Tennessee , meeting in regular session on this 6th day of April, 2010, approve the sale of the portion of the Woodbury Water System water lines which serve the Gassaway area of Cannon County, to the DeKalb Utility District for the sum of $37,500.00 and the assumption of the portion of the 1997 debt obligation to Rural Development United States Department of Agriculture, related to those water lines, and that the Mayor and Recorder be authorized to execute the necessary instruments to complete the transfer.
· Discuss flashing light at intersection of Main Street and Cannon Street
· Other business
· Reports from Mayor, Committees, and Department Heads
· Adjourn