This May, young women from every corner of the county between the ages of Kindergarten through 12th grade will convene to compete for the titles of Little Miss Good Ole Days, Jr. Miss Good Ole Days, Miss Teen Good Ole Days, and Miss Good Ole Days.
In addition to these pageants the Good Ole Days Festival offers a pageant from Birth to 5 years of age for both girls and boys, and Sr. Ms. Good Ole Days for contestants 60 and up.
Contestant are scored on 40% overall appearance, 40% personality, and 20% beauty.
Our pageants give girls a fun way to achieve and live out that princess dream. What a lot of people miss is that our pageants work much like soccer or gymnastics, in that they give young girls a chance to try, learn, and grow.
The takeaway? Girls have fun while growing, being themselves, making friends, and adding self esteem. Just look at the Sr. Ms. Good Ole Days Court from 2010. Ask anyone of them and they will tell you, win or lose, they had a blast participating. That is what these pageants are all about.
The Good Ole Days Festival is Friday, May 20 and Saturday, May 21. Pageant Forms have been sent to each Cannon County School and are located in the office.
We have also placed pageant forms on the door of Cannon County Senior Center located at 609 Lehman Street that may be picked up at anytime or online at
Contestants may submit a photo for the photogenic contest for a small fee that includes publishing contestants photos in the Cannon Courier prior to the pageants.
Early bird registration deadline i s April 29th. After April 29th the registration fee increases, so you do not want to delay. For questions contact 615-563-5304.