The Auburntown City Council met Tuesday, August 2, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. for their regular monthly meeting. The Mayor and all councilpersons were present.
The City Recorder presented the previous month’s minutes for approval. The minutes were approved without dissent.
The financial sheet for the period ending July31, 2011 was passed out for review and comments. Following a few items of explanation the report was approved as presented.
A representative from the State Planning Division met recently with the officials of the Cities of Woodbury and Auburntown along with those of Cannon County. He was very complementary of the cooperation exhibited among the above entities in making the celebration of “Cannon Communities 4th of July Celebration” a reality. He emphasized this kind of cooperation is very rare, but very beneficial, in fostering commerce and building community spirit.
Tina Fletcher, Councilperson, gave a report on the upcoming Red Apple Day Celebration in Auburntown. Some of the items mention were: there are 42 vendors who have rented booth spaces, programs for both days are complete and can be found in this week’s Cannon Courier, water and electric utilities have been cut on, and the Red Apples will be ready for the beginning program Friday night.
Theresa Raines address the Council with a concern of everyone – the possible closing of the Post Office here in Auburntown. She spoke at length and handed out material on how to contact individuals who may be of help in keeping the PO open. She said it is not a sure thing that the PO will be closed but now is the time to act (to do all we can) to keep it open.
This meeting was delayed in opening one hour as the Mayor had a family emergency that needed his presence. The meeting ended at 7:35 PM.
Winfred Gaither, City Recorder