American Legion Post #279 is planning a special ceremony "POST EVERLASTING" on June 16 to memorialize veterans.
The event will include special presentations, one by Teresa Tate, teacher at Westside Elementary School for 38 years, who will present, "Making the History Connection."
Her special guest, Art Jacobs, Special Forces (Green Beret) helicoper
pilot in Vietnam, shot down in Laos and evaded capture, will follow with another presentation.
American Legion Post #279 will meet for a sit down dinner prepared by our Auxillary Ladies at 5:45 p.m., on Thursday, June 16, 2011, at the Senior Citizens Center in Woodbury.
Our official meeting will follow at 6:30 p.m., followed by our special ceremony and special presentations.
Please come and enjoy a special evening. If you plan to eat before the meeting, the cost of the meal is $5.00.