Cannon County residents and those in neighboring counties will not have to go far for Fourth of July weekend entertainment with two spirited shows planned in Woodbury.
The action begins Friday (July 2) with the Cannon Communities Fourth of July Celebration. The event is a joint effort between Cannon County, the Town of Woodbury and the city of Auburntown, in conjunction with Cannon County businesses. The Celebration will take place at Dillon Park beginning at 7 p.m. Fireworks will begin at dark.
Just after the smoke clears from the fireworks show, the Woodbury Lions Club offers one of the premier one-night horse shows in the nation with the annual Woodbury Lions Club’s Horse Show, scheduled for Saturday (July 3) at Lions Field in Woodbury, beginning at 3:30 p.m.
“It’s going to be a great weekend with several events planned for the people in our community,” said Dale Peterson, a local attorney who helped spearhead the Fireworks Celebration. “We wanted to bring back some family traditions and one of the things I wanted to create was unity in the county. In order to build patriotism and unity we decided to do this show.”
Local elected officials voted unanimously to fund the project, Peterson said. Those attending the fireworks show at Dillon Park will need to utilize one of the four parking locations available that evening. Free parking will be offered at the Art Center, First Baptist Church, Woodbury United Methodist Church and Woodbury Funeral Home.
“Because of the nature of the fireworks and what they call ‘Fireworks Fallout’ we do not want parking (at Dillon Park),” Peterson said. “School buses will be running from those lots to shuttle the people to the park and the buses also will shuttle them back afterwards.”
The show is free and so is many other activities planned for Friday evening. Checker games, among others, are planned and Melton said there will be traditional family picnics. He encourages citizens to picnic at the park and to bring chairs. The park opens at 6 p.m. with free hot dogs, drinks and watermelon. The first 500 will receive the free hot dogs.
The Cannon County High School Band will begin playing at 7 p.m., and continue through the fireworks show.
All events surrounding the Fourth of July Fireworks Celebration are free; however, citizens are asked to make donations of non-perishable food items at any of the four parking locations, which will have drop-off points. The food will be collected and donated to the Cannon County Emergency Food Bank.
The Woodbury Lions Club’s Horse Show follows on Saturday, marking more than 50 years of outstanding shows at Lions Field. Considered one of the premier one-night shows nationally, the Lions Club Horse Show begins at 3:30 p.m. with 39 classes.
“We have some of the best trainers and contenders at this event due to the fact we are one of the premier one-night shows of the year,” said Bruce Steelman, Horse Show Chairman. “This show brings in nationally-renowned trainers and contenders that will be shown in Shelbyville at The Celebration. They will be coming from all over for this show.”
The show concludes with the Walking Horse Stake Class Stallions, Mares or Geldings and there will be strong competition for ribbons and cash prizes presented throughout the day.
The horse show is one of the primary fund-raisers for the Woodbury Lions Club, which has been serving its community for 75 years. This event helps fund charities that are of a priority to the Lions Club, Steelman said.
“Our purpose for existing is vision impairment and this show goes a big way in helping us raise money for our mission,” Steelman said. “Members take a day out of their holiday weekend to be committed to the purpose of the Lions Club mission. This has been the case since the very beginning and it could not happen without the hard work and dedication these members have sacrificed. It is a lot of hard work but it makes you feel good and very satisfied to see the hard work that you put into it come together.”
For more than one half of a century the Woodbury Lions Club Horse Show has grown in popularity and competition. Steelman said the credit goes to past chairman Clayton Glenn.
“(Glenn’s) vision for this event is responsible for taking it to the level it is today,” Steelman said.
Attendees will enjoy the Lions Club Food Stand, featuring country ham sandwiches, pies and ice cream. All proceeds from the event go to Lions Club charities.