A Woodbury woman faces a charge of Public Intoxication following an April 13 incident at Woodbury Grammar School.
Gina Elaine House,105 East Main St., Apt. 3, Woodbury, was charged with Public Intoxication by Woodbury Patrolman John House.
Officer House was notified by WGS Assistant Principal Jeff Todd that Principal Bonnie Patterson had a parent in her office who was thought to be intoxication.
Officer House went to the school and Gina House opened the door for him. She appeared to the officer to be impaired. Her eyes were droopy and her speech slurred.
After a few minutes of speaking with Principal Patterson, Officer House had Gina House performed a series of field sobriety tests, which she was unable to accomplish to the officer’s satisfaction.
She was charged with Public Intoxication and a release citation was issued. She was allowed to call someone to come and pick up her, her daughter and the vehicle she drove to the school.
Initial court date is May 15.