From the June 24, 2013, issue of the scientific periodical, the Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, comes a case study documenting the improvement of migraines and neck curvature in a young girl under chiropractic care.
The authors of the study describe migraines as "...a very common and frequent health problem in children and adolescents which has been described as an intolerable pain preventing the child from their daily activities such as going to school or social events." They note that migraine headaches are so common that they are ranked among one of the top five health problems of childhood. Overall, 75% of adolescents and 25% of younger children will suffer from headaches of various types.
In this case, a 12-year-old girl was brought to the chiropractor suffering from severe migraines. The migraines, which had started six years earlier, had gotten so severe that she was missing a large amount of school and had missed two months at one time. The migraines would occur two to three times per week and would last several hours each episode. When asked to rate her pain on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being worst, the girl described the pain as an 8, with many times being a 10.
A chiropractic examination was performed which included thermography (motion x-rays known as videofluoroscopy), palpation, and other chiropractic checks. The x-rays of the side of the neck showed that the girl's neck was curving in the reverse direction from the normal forward curve. It was determined that vertebral subluxations were present and a course of specific corrective adjustments was initiated.
The study reported that over the course of the young girl's 5 weeks of care, she only suffered from one minor migraine and overall showed a 90% improvement of her migraine symptoms. A second set of motion x-rays was performed documenting that the girl's neck had shifted from a reverse curve to a curve in the forward direction (lordosis). Additionally, the thermal scans and other tests were returning toward normal.
In this case, a 12-year-old girl had her life significantly improved with chiropractic care. In their conclusion the authors noted this achievement by stating, "Chiropractic care in this patient was able to increase her quality of life allowing her to not miss school and have a 90% improvement of her symptoms after 6 visits."
For more information on Chiropractic care contact:
Cannon County Chiropractic
Dr. Trea Wessel
824 McMinnville Hwy.
Woodbury, Tn 37190