Chancellor Robert E. Corlew, III presided over Cannon County Circuit Court on Thursday. Some of the results from the various cases which appeared on the docket included:
Michael Mason pled guilty to the charge of violation of probation. His probation was extended and he was ordered to serve 141 days in jail. In another case, Mason pled guilty to the charge of resisting arrest. He was sentenced to 11 months, 29 days in the county jail. That sentence was suspended upon an equal amount of time on probation and paying the court costs.
Ruby Mathis’ petition to waive court costs and fines was partially granted. Chancellor Corlew waived a portion of her court costs but ordered that she continue to pay her fines.
Aaron Moon was reset for October 14, 2010. He has filed a petition to recalculate jail time.
Kimberly Moore was reset for October 14, 2010. She is charged with violation of probation.