A large General Sessions Docket will kick off criminal court for the month of March on Tuesday.
Those persons scheduled to appear, and the charges they face, are as follows:
Kenneth Franklin Anderson, Jr., theft over $500, driving on a revoked license.
Ronica Renee Arnold, manufacture of a methamphetamine Schedule II (two counts), maintaining a dwelling for the purpose of manufacturing methamphetamine (two counts).
Jeri Nichole Beckham, worthless check (two counts).
Ernest Shane Bogle, criminal impersonation, unlawful possession of blue lights.
Clfford Wayne Brothers, public intoxication, resisting arrest, aggravated assault.
Terry Lynn Burger, simple possess of Schedule II, simple possession of Schedule VI, possession of drug paraphernalia.
Nathan Casper Cantrell, simple possession of Schedule VI.
Kayla Marie Chumley, burglary, theft under $500, vandalism.
Michael Troy Cook, criminal trespass, evading arrest, use of off-highway vehicle on highway.
Jackie J. Cox, public intoxication.
Christopher Dean Davis, domestic assault.
Travis Lee Dobson, driving on a suspended license, violation of the insurance law.
Jeremy Wayne Duke, driving on a suspended license.
Melissa Fay Fults, criminal impersonation.
Adam Clint George, DUI, simple possession of Schedule VI drug, manufacturer of methamphetamine, initiating the process to manufacture methamphetamine, possession of drug paraphernalia.
Flint Wilson Gilley, DUI (3rd offense).
Ronnie Eugene Gilley, simple assault.
Gregory Wayne Hale, failure to report an accident.
Roy A. Haley, aggravated domestic assault, violation of probation (2nd offense).
Phillip Lynn Holt, domestic assault.
Gregory Lynn Hutchins, violation of the financial responsibility law.
Charles D. Johnson, Jr., filing a false report.
Michael Gene Jones, aggravated domestic assault.
Kerry M. Jordan, promotion of methamphetamine manufacture, DUI, violation of the implied consent law.
Melissa Fern Jordan, possession of Schedule II drugs, simple possession of Schedule VI drugs, possession of drug paraphernalia.
Christopher Douglas Knopp, theft under $500.
Candice Dawn Laxton, DUI.
Bransen Chase McLaughlin, possession of drug paraphernalia.
Aaron Vincent Moon, driving on a revoked license (3rd offense).
Joshua B. Mullinax, domestic assault.
Daryl Wayne Nichols, driving while impaired.
Virginia Lee Owen, domestic assault.
Jakeb A. Prine, no hunter education.
James Mithchell Purvis, domestic assault.
Sarah Elizabeth Quill, driving on a suspended license, violation of the wheel tax law.
Rachael Ann Ragan, violation of probation (3rd offense).
Douglas Allen Rayner, driving on a suspended license.
Leonard A. Reynolds, driving on a revoked license.
Sandra Royse, worthless check.
Dan Arthur Scott, driving on a revoked license.
Andrew Michael Seymour, DUI, driving on a revoked license, unlawful carrying of a weapon, theft of firearm.
James Christopher Shamlin, II, driving without a license.
Catherine Marie Sherrell, simple possession of Schedule III drugs, simple possession of Schedule VI drugs, possession of drug paraphernalia.
Garrett W. Shirley, DUI (2nd offense), felony evading of arrest, violation of the implied consent law.
Jeremy Dean Sissom, possession of a weapon by a convicted felon, possession of drug paraphernalia.
Keith David Smith, theft under $500, manufacture of methamphetamine, maintaining a dwelling to manufacture methamphetamine.
Glenn Richard Smotherman, domestic assault.
Janice Diana Somers, driving on a revoked license, violation of the financial responsibility law.
Johnny Wade Stephens, DUI, violation of the implied consent law.
Mandi Dawn Sullivan, DUI, failure to comply with a traffic control device/signal.
Rachel Marie Szoka, leaving the scene of an accident, failure to give notice of an accident.
Justin Aaron Taggart, domestic assault.
Richard Allan Taylor, illegal taking of over limit fall turkeys.
Jason T. Tenpenny, theft under $500.
David Estil Tipton, DUI.
Shelby Kristy Toosi, DUI, violation of the implied consent law, simple possession.
Joshua Allen Underwood, failure to appear.
Justin Waylon West, DUI.
Misty Michelle Winslow, violation of probation (1st offense).