A Woodbury man will appear in Cannon County General Sessions Court on Sept. 7 to answer charges of public intoxication and filing false reports levied by the Cannon County Sheriff's Department.
Facing charges is Donnie Wayne Smith, 286 George Scott Rd., Woodbury.
Deputy Brandon Mims filed the public intoxication charge on Aug. 22. According to the complaint filed by Mims, Smith was under the influence of what he said was alcohol. Smith told Mims he had several shots of alcohol and beer. Smith stated to Mims that he was going to remove the people living with him at his home.
Mims reported that Smith was not able to walk straight and was very uneasy on his feet. Smith was in view of the public and in the road which is in Cannon County. Smith was an endangerment to himself and to people living at the residence when he is under the influence of alcohol.
Deputy Tommy Barker charged Smith with filing false reports on Aug. 23. According to Barker's report, Smith called 911 dispatch to report a red Ford truck and a purple Ford truck as stolen after running the purple Ford truck into the wooded area at his residence.
Total bond for Smith was set at $5,350.
In other recent crime news:
• Cynthia D. Cook, 110 Peyton Dr., Shelbyville, was arrested on a charge of simple assault on Aug. 20 after a warrant was taken out against her by Melissa Markum, 108 Hutchins Lane, Woodbury. Markum alleges that Cook was on the roadway in front of her residence threatening to physically assault her. Markum said Cook did this while cursing her in a very threatening manner, causing her to fear bodily injury. Markum called 911 for assistance from the Cannon County Sheriff's Department. Cook allegedly also called the victim's mother and threatened Melissa Markum with bodily injury. Cook was released on $3500 bond. Initial court appearance is set for Sept. 28, 2010.
• Zachary Swayze Edmiston, 115 Meadow Brook Dr., Woodbury, was charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor on Aug. 15 by Patrolman John Fesmire of the Woodbury Police Dept. Fesmire discovered Edmiston walking on Lynn Street in the company of two juveniles at 1:16 a.m. on that date. The juveniles were cited for being in violation of the curfew law. Court date for Edmiston is Sept. 14.
• Matthew Dwayne Griffith, 9659 Short Mountain Rd., Smithville, was arrested on a charge of simple possession of marijuana by Cannon County Sheriff's Department Deputy Steve McMillen on Aug. 22, 2010. The arrest warrant was taken out by Det. Vance Walker. Griffith was released on $2,500 bond. Initial court date is Sept. 14.
• Bridgette Shyanne Johnson, 206 S. Ridge Dr., Apt. A-6, was charged with driving on a suspended license by WPD Patrolman John Fesmire on Aug. 19. She was released on $1,000 bond. Initial court date is Sept. 14.
• Tequilla Mounette Miller, 223 Hayes St., Woodbury, was charged with driving on a revoked license by WPD Patrolman John Fesmire on Aug. 21. She was released under a $750 appearance bond. Initial court date is Sept. 14.
• Phillip Matthew Shook, 511-B McFerrin St., Woodbury, was charged with criminal trepass by WPD Patrolman John Fesmire on Aug. 19. Shook is accused of trespassing on property own by the Woodbury Housing Authority. Shook has been notified he is not to be on property owned by the WHA. He was released on $3,000 bond. Initial court date is Sept. 14.
• William A. Pittman, 116 Old Pumphouse Rd., Woodbury, was arrested on an assault charge on Aug. 21, 2010, on a warrant taken out by Tom Ganoe, 911 Marshall Creek Rd., Auburntown. Ganoe alleges that while he was at the flea market giving away good he noticed that Pittman had the equivalent of three banana boxes full. He asked Pittman to put part of it back. Pittman refused, and allegedly pushed Ganoe, causing him to almost fall. The actions were confirmed by witnesses at the flea market. Pittman was released on $1,500 bond. Initial court date is Sept. 14.