The Woodbury Lions Club Horse Show once again set the standard. The event showcased 256 entries, spotlighting many of the top trainers in the Walking Horse Industry as well as horses that will be in contention at the upcoming Tennessee Walking Horse Celebration.
The Lions Club as well as those who benefit from our efforts owe those members that worked the horse show a great a great deal of gratitude. Many of our members worked numerous hours and were extremely exhausted at the end of the Show.
Again this year, we were fortunate to have several volunteers assisting with the show, Lou Nave and family, Shirley Dennis, Randy Neal, Glen Nave, Joey Stembridge, Cindy Adams, Scott Armstrong, Jimmy Allen, Jason Barrett, Chris Robinson, Dean More, Art and Carol McIntyte, Escorts and Ribbon Girls, and all those participating in the opening ceremony.
We couldn't have been ready for the show without the community support we received: City of Woodbury, Mike Gannon, Russell Paschal, Darrell Fisher, Sheriff Trustee's, Steve Foster, Woodbury Farmer's Co-op, Sheriff Billy Nichols, Jeff Givens, Woodbury Police Department, Faye Morse and Emergency Management and the county's Community Fire Departments.
And we can leave out the county as a whole: our community has a rich history in agriculture and many of the activities throughout the year originate from an agricultural source. The Woodbury Lions Club deeply appreciates our local community for their support of the club. The thousands of people who benefit from our charity programs through eye exams and glasses for the indigent, pre-school children treated for vision-treatable eye diseases, eye surgery at Tennessee Lions Eye Center at Vanderbilt, blood drives and many other service projects.
Our "hats off" to those of you who donated your Fourth of July holiday time to raise funds to financially support the project of the Woodbury Lions Club. The work and dedication by the community and especially our members is the reason we are viewed as one of the most prestigious shows in the Nation. While we are proud of this recognition, we know the reason for the commitment ... to help the visually impaired.
For those of you who came out to make a difference, be proud to be a true Knight of the Blind.
With sincere appreciation,
The Woodbury Lions Club