As the holidays quickly approach we need to remember those who are still protecting the freedoms we take for granted like gathering around the table for Thanksgiving or opening presents on Christmas morning.
To show appreciation and remembrance during those times, the Hilton Stone Post 279 American Legion Auxiliary Unit in Woodbury would like to ask the citizens of Cannon County to help provide items for boxes to send to some local soldiers and their units who are currently serving in Afghanistan.
Items for the boxes should be non-perishable such as non-scented personal hygiene products like soap, hand sanitizer and chap stick; mid-calf white tube socks; playing cards; travel games; prepaid calling cards; hand/feet warmers; flavor packets for water or anything that you might miss when you’re away from home.
There will be several drop-off locations for people to drop off items. The locations are at CareAll on the square, the Woodbury Nursing Center and at the Border Wars tournament at the Woodbury Grammar School, starting Oct. 25.
If you do not have time to collect items, the Auxiliary Unit welcomes donations. All items will be collected by Nov. 13 in order to be shipped to the soldiers in time for Christmas.
For any questions, e-mail and someone will get back with you as soon as possible. Thank you for your support and I know our troops appreciate it!
The Hilton Stone 279 American Legion Auxiliary Unit