Hello from Camp Virginia, Kuwait. It's 7 a.m. on Monday, March 8, 2010, current temperature 84 degrees and sunshine. Life is good for the soldiers of the 1-230th ACS as we are on our journey to the USA.
The weather is great, we have McDonald's, Taco Bell, Subway, Baskin Robbins, Chinese, Starbucks, and Green Beans Coffee, so we have choices, something we haven't had in a year. The first morning here, we ate Taco Bell at 9 a.m. and it was so good.
The soldiers of the 1-230th ACS are in good spirits, as we are preparing for home and all the good things that are waiting for us. We are all so anxious for home, and lot's of family time. The past year has been quite the experience, good and bad, but with no regrets.
Again, I want to say thank you for all your support, emails, packages, thoughts and prayers. Without each of you, I would have had some long days.
As I prepare to come back to Cannon County, TN, I think about all the things I want to do. I can't wait to walk in the green grass barefoot, fresh air, driving, hugs and kisses from my loved one's, AND a shower, with clean water and no shower shoe's. When you ask a soldier what the 1st thing they want to do when they get home, they say "take a shower, a long shower." Once again, it really is the little things.
Just a reminder, the welcome home party will be April 17th from 2-5 p.m. at the Readyville Mill, www.readyvillemill.com, I hope to see you there. I am so excited to share my experience and pictures with you.
God bless each of you, the USA and the American Soldier
Until Next Week......
God Speed,
SPC Jennifer Duggin
116 Woodward Lane
Woodbury, TN 37190