Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development’s mobile Career Coach will visit Adams Memorial Library Monday, June 9 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
They will be assisting with resumes and helping people register with Jobs4TN.gov where more than 90,000 jobs are listed.
The Career Coach will arrive on the scene to provide a mobile computer lab with Internet access; create a venue for workshops including res-ume assistance and interviewing skills; and serve as a recruitment center for companies moving into our state.
The Career Coach has computers, copy and fax machines available to job seekers. The computers aboard the Career Coach have Internet access and are equipped with Microsoft Office software. Instructors will use a large monitor and SMART board for basic instruction on computer hardware and software use, which are key components to applying for and retaining jobs today.
The computers have access to jobs available throughout the state. These jobs are categorized by industry and are available for viewing on our internet site at https://www.jobs4tn.gov/. Job seekers can look at the jobs on the coach, at the Tennessee Career Center, or at home.
Career Coach staff will conduct valuable workshops such as résumé writing, job search strategies, and interviewing skills. These tools are extremely valuable to market yourself to a potential employer.