The Auburntown City Council met Tuesday July 6, 2010 for their regular monthly meeting. Mayor Roger Turney and Councilpersons Rita Davis, Tina Fletcher and Winfred Gaither were present.
The previous minutes of the last meeting, June 1, 2010, were approved as presented by the City Recorder.
The financial report was approved as presented by the City Treasurer. The balance of funds on deposit as of 6-30-2010 was $89,259.83.
Dale Peterson was present and presented a detailed “Wrap-Up” of the 4th of July Celebration held in Dillon Park on Friday night, July 2nd. The Celebration was a joint effort by the Cities of Woodbury and Auburntown and Cannon County along with business donations. The celebration lasted from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. and was free to the public. The amenities given away that evening were hot dogs, water, soft drinks, chips and watermelon. The last but not least was a 30-minute display of exceptionally brilliant fireworks provided by a professional pyrotechnic Company. The City approved the suggestion to use as “Seed Money” any funds left from this year’s celebration to foster a like event next year.
The Mayor acknowledged with sadness the passing of Mrs. Ruby Jo Davenport, one of our present Council members. She was a faithful and dedicated member and served with distinction for several years as City Recorder. She will be sorely missed.
Tina Fletcher gave a detailed report on the plans for Red Apple Days, the 6th and 7th of August. Some of the activities planned are; Jackson Delaney will be the Grand Marshall with Roger Turney and Melinda (Fletcher) Crook as Co-Captains, a Corn hole tournament, Volleyball tournament, womanless beauty pageant, dunking booth, dog show, watermelon seed spitting contest, professional photographer, Frisbees, T-shirts, car-seat inspection, cloggers and gospel music. Thirty or more booths are scheduled to be open.
The meeting began at 6:00 p.m. and lasted for an hour and 45 minutes.
Winfred Gaither, City Recorder