Friday marked the September meeting of the Cannon County Grand Jury. Including sealed indictments, the Grand Jury returned a total of 41 true bills. Those defendants indicted during Friday’s session included:
• Randy H. Durham for second degree murder and reckless endangerment,
• Steffan M. Brady and Joshua Dishman for aggravated burglary, theft and three counts of burglary,
• Tony Barrett and Eddy Farris for felony possession of methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia,
• Robert W. Barrett for two felony possession of methamphetamine, two counts possession of drug paraphernalia, maintaining a dwelling to keep, use or sell a controlled substance, accessory after the fact, initiation of the process to manufacture methamphetamine, and maintain a dwelling or vehicle to keep, use or sell methamphetamine,
• Christopher Nathan Davenport for three counts of theft,
• Julie C. Davenport for two counts of theft,
• Steven Hollis for burglary to a motor vehicle and theft, driving under the influence over .08 or more, driving under the influence and driving while license revoked,
• Matthew Gerald Edwards for two counts of aggravated burglary, burglary and three counts of theft,
• Thomas Clay Davis for theft,
• Nicholas Reeder for two counts of felony possession of marijuana, two counts of maintaining a dwelling to keep, use or sell marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, and theft,
• Donald Ray Reeder for felony possession of marijuana, maintaining a dwelling to keep, use or sell marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, theft, possession of unstamped alcohol and two counts of unlawful possession of a firearm,
• Joseph D. Moore for failure to appear,
• Raymond E. Farless for two counts of burglary and four counts of theft,
• John Thomas Trisler for altering, falsifying or forging a registration plate,
• Rex A. Melton for two counts of assault, resisting arrest, public intoxication and disorderly conduct,
• William L. Bizzle for aggravated assault and aggravated criminal trespass,
• Gloria H. Deaton for domestic assault,
• Jared Ian Smith for simple possession of marijuana,
• Shannon Herman for assault,
• Lea Ann Farless for resisting arrest, vandalism and public intoxication,
In addition to the defendants previously mentioned, the Grand Jury returned 16 sealed indictments. The names of those defendants will not be released until they are arrested.
The next step for these defendants is arraignment day when they will be read their charges by the court and provided a copy of their indictment.
The Courier must stress that an indictment by the Grand Jury is not a finding of guilt. It simply means that the Grand Jury felt there was enough evidence to warrant a jury trial on the charges.
In other business, Grand Jury Foreman Andy Bryson visited the Cannon County Jail on Thursday, September 24, 2009 and submitted the following report concerning the condition of the Jail, which was approved by the Grand Jury:
Thursday, September 24, 2009
An inspection of the Cannon County Jail was conducted Thursday, September 24, 2009 with Deputy Anna Nichols and Sheriff Billy Nichols.
On this date, there were a total of 54 inmates at the Jail, 42 males, 12 females. 12 of those were State inmates.
All areas of the Jail were inspected with no major findings to be recorded. The entire Jail was clean and well kept with no major problems reported by Deputy Nichols.
- Minor problems included: a technical problem with the Fingerprint machine in Booking.
- The roof still has a leak that was to be repaired in 2008.
- The west door of the Sallyport is not working properly and is to be repaired soon.
- The laundry area was clean and all machines were working but have to be replaced regularly due to the fact they are non-commercial type of machines.
- A full-time Jail Nurse was on duty at the time of the visit and reported no inmate problems.
The Jail inspection lasted approximately one hour.
Andy Bryson
Foreman, Cannon County Grand Jury, September 25, 2009