WARTRACE – Conservative Republican Ret. Maj. Gen. Dave Evans proudly names George Pittman as his Cannon County chair. “Dave was the first candidate to put himself forward to challenge Bart and I am proud to support him to take our conservative principles to Washington.” Pittman said.
Pittman continues “Dave believes just as I do that the Federal Government is not the solution to our problems. We need less government and not more.” Dave has been traveling around the district since Feb ’09. Evans a Putnam County native and Bedford County resident is a retired Maj. Gen. from the Army Reserves and Retired Post Master.
“In February of last year when I spoke at the first Tea Party rally, I issued a challenge to Bart to repeal the Pork or Retire,” Evans said. “Because of the pressure placed on Bart by me and the conservative Tea Party movement he retired. I want to serve in the U.S. House so that I can use my business background and military background to provide servant leadership that creates both a strong economic environment and safe country where everyday Americans have a safe place to work and prosper.”
Evans began his military career at age 17 enlisting in the Marines and working his way through the ranks and retire as a Major General. He also served as Post Master in several communities in the 6th Congressional District.
“It’s going to take a grassroots effort to bring our conservative values back to Washington. We must spend less than we take in and return the rest to the citizens through tax cuts for everyone, so they can spur growth and job creation within their community.”
"I would like to invite you to our meet and greet on Jan. 21st at 1:00 p.m. until 2:30 p.m. at JP’s Fine Swine in Woodbury. Together we can send someone to Washington that will represent our conservative values and will put people before politics. "