Amateur genealogist Peggy Tate will present a program on her favorite subject, genealogy, at the quarterly meeting of the Cannon County Historical Society on Tuesday, October 13. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the community room of Adams Memorial Library on College Street in Woodbury. All members are urged to be present since important business matters will be discussed and officers elected.
Mrs. Tate will discuss the growth of the genealogy department at Adams Memorial Library and the continually growing array of research material available there. She serves as a volunteer genealogist at the Library every Thursday.
The daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Wilson, she grew up in Woodbury and returned to her native county with husband Gerald Tate in 1989 after 33 years in Hammond, Indiana. Peggy was Avon district manager until her retirement in 1997. The Tates live on their farm in the Gassaway community.
Members of the Historical Society are reminded that the meeting place has been changed to the community room at Adams Memorial Library so t hose interested can visit the genealogy department at the close of the meeting.
Anyone interested in preserving the history and heritage of Cannon County and its people are invited to become a member of the society and attend all meetings. Annual dues are only $5 per household.
Visitors will be welcome at the meeting on Tuesday, October 13.