The Cannon County Farmers market will close for the season this coming Saturday, October 22, 2011.
The market has benefited from the tremendous community support throughout this season. The farmers that have worked so hard to bring fresh, home grown fruits and vegetables appreciates your interest and repeat visits to the market.
Local businesses have also been a regular to the market featuring Cannon County items on their daily menu.
While we are taking a brief break from the market, be looking for the market to reopen in the Spring at the current location at the Cannon County Arts Center.
Local producers still have a limited supply of potatoes, squash and turnips, mustard and turnip greens. Tennessee apples and mountain tomatoes are also available.
We look forward in seeing you again when the market reopens in 2012.
For more information, please contact Bruce Steelman at the Cannon County Extension Office at 563-2554.