Putting together this year’s Good Ole Days of Cannon County festival has been a monumental struggle for organizers, but the big show will go on as planned this Friday and Saturday.
Following months of trying to find a suitable place to hold the event, which is normally held on the grounds of the Cannon County Courthouse, it was decided the best backup location would be the Cannon County Fairgrounds.
Festival-goers can still expect an exciting two days of events, including a parade, pageants, shows, live music, food and beverages and much more.
Good Ole Days of Cannon County is sponsored by the Senior Center and REACH Afterschool Programs, and is a key fundraiser for those agencies each year.
“The Good Ole Days festival has events for all ages,” Senior Center director Connie Rigsby said. “Beauty pageants from babies to the Ms. Senior pageant. Music from gospel, bluegrass, country, southern rock to hard rock can be heard during the two day event.
“People should be sure to check out the beautiful jewelry, crafts and handbags,” Rigsby added. “Plus there will be a wide variety of food vendors and even a chance to go up in a hot air balloon. It’s fun for the entire family. Bring your lawn chair and sit back and meet your neighbors.”
Pageants span the weekend and include the Sr. Miss Good Ole Days, Little Miss Good Ole Days, Jr. Miss Good Ole Days, Baby Show (Birth to age 5 years), Miss Teen Good Ole Days, and Miss Good Ole Days. Other events include: Dog Show, Backyard Pickin’ and Grinning, and so much more.
“It’s fun for all ages and brings the community together like no other event during the year,” Angela King, REACH director, said. “We look forward to holding it each year because its an exciting time for us as well.”
• Kindergarten thru Ms Senior pageant early bird special closed at Friday. Entries will be accepted until Thursday, May 13th at 3:00 p.m. Line up for K-senior pageant will set as of May 13th at 3:00 p.m.. For more information call 563-5304.
• Babies wanting to enter the baby show can still enter up until 7:00 a.m. on May 15th with late fees added. Please contact 563-5304 for more information on baby show.
Main Stage - Fairgrounds
12:00 - 12:30 Bingo
12:30-1:00 Bingo
1:00-1:30 Senior Events
1:30-2:00 Senior Events
2:00-2:30 Senior Events
2:30-3:00 Senior Ms. Pageant
3:00-5:00 JRB - After School Bash
5:00-6:00 Jukebox Romeo
6:00-6:30 Clyde Nokes and the Short Mountain Boys and Girls
6:30-7:00 Inspiration
7:00-7:30 Stacey Harden
7:30-8:00 Tom Foolery
8:00-9:00 Thomas and Daniel Maupin
9:00-10:00 Miss Teen Good Ole Days
Back Porch Stage - Fairgrounds
4:00-6:30 Live Mic
6:30-7:00 The Parker Brothers
7:00-7:30 Cannon Arts Dance Studio
7:30-8:00 TBA
8:00-8:30 TBA
Main Stage - Fairgrounds
8:00-11:15 Baby Show
11:00-12:00 Little Miss Good Ole Days
12:00-12:30 Little Miss Good Ole Days
12:30-1:00 CCHS Marching Band
1:00-1:30 Cripple Creek Cloggers
1:30-2:00 Scott Corey
2:00-2:30 David Seratt
2:30-3:00 Senior Center Line Dancers
3:00-3:30 Jr. Miss Good Ole Days
3:30-4:00 Jr. Miss Good Ole Days
4:00-5:30 Gilley Brothers
6:00-8:30 Sugar Ridge, Hands of Time, Bluegrass Cloggers
9:00 Miss Good Ole Days
9:30-10:00 Miss GoodOle Days
Back Porch Stage - Fairgrounds
8:00-11:15 Can Music
11:00-1:00 Live Mic
1:00-3:00 Dog Show
3:00-4:00 TBA
4:00-4:30 Simply Forgiven
4:30-5:00 Live Mic
5:00-5:30 Cannon Arts Dance Studio
5:30-6:30 Epic Failure
6:30-7:00 Leslie Losey
7:00-8:00 JukeBox Romeo
5th Annual Good Ole Days Parade
“A Blast From the Past”
Benefitting the Cannon County REACH Afterschool Programs and Senior Citizens Program
at 12:00 p.m. (Line-up will be at 11:30 Dillon Park)
What can be entered?
* 79 model vehicles and older * Horses and buggies
* Horses and Mules *Bicycles or Walkers
* Floats with a “Good Ole Days” theme pulled by a truck or tractor
All equine animals must have a negative coggins test available
Lineup will be at Dillon Park, travel down Doolittle Road, turn left of Main Street, turn right on McCrary, turn right on West High Street, turn left on College Street and go to the Fairgrounds
from 1:00 until 3:00 p.m.
1. Cutest Puppy
2. Ugliest Dog
3. Dog and Handler/Owner Look Alike
4. Dog with Shortest Tail
5. Best Mutt (No Pedigree)
6. Best Costume
7. Hunting/Hound Dog
8. Smallest Dog
9. Largest Dog
10. Best Trick
11. Dog with Longest Tail
12. Most Beautiful Female
13. Most Handsome Male
14. Best of Show (To be eligible to enter “Best of Show” dog must be shown in at least one other category)
Entry Fee: $5.00 per category or $20 for as many categories as you wish to enter. All dogs should be kept on leash! No aggressive dogs please! For more info, call 563-5518.