Two streets in downtown Woodbury will be closed to traffic in the coming weeks as work on the Cannon County Courthouse Revitalization Project nears completion.
North Cannon St. will be closed June 14-20 for pouring and curing of a brick-stamped concrete crosswalk. North Tatum St. will be closed June 21-27 for identical work.
North Cannon and North Tatum are each due to receive a concrete crosswalk as part of the project. It takes seven days for concrete to cure before they are ready to handle traffic.
During construction of the crosswalks, the courthouse square will be open for parking.
From June 28 through July 3, both North Cannon and North Tatum will be closed for paving of those streets.
The sidewalk in front of businesses on Main St. will be replaced from July 5 through July 30, which involves demolition and replacement of the existing concrete.
Tim Pack, project coordinator, Preston Brothers Construction, said business owners should plan on three days for the process to take place in front of their business.
Pack said each business will be individually contacted in advance with the days that work is being done in front of their establishment.