The Auburntown City Council met January 5, 2010 for their regular monthly meeting. The Mayor and all Councilmen were present.
The previous minutes were approved as presented by the City Recorder.
The written financial report was presented and discussed without dissent. Balance of funds as of 12-31-09 was $45,176.45.
The Mayor reported that the contractor who is to run utility water up Hurricane Creek Road has moved some equipment and supplies into the construction area. It was thought they would have already started construction had it not been for the extreme cold weather.
The City Hall Building is under evaluation regarding much-needed repair and refurbishing. However, work on the project will not begin until much warmer weather returns.
The Mayor reported that the Lion’s Club was considering the discontinuance of their first-of-the-month, Fish Fry. This action is contemplated in regard to lack of support and low patronage on a monthly basis. However, Chris Blackburn, Fire Chief, reiterated the Firemen would continue to hold their Fish and Chicken Fry each 3rd Saturday except December.
The Council approved without dissent to authorize the Mayor to contact the gas company and if appropriate have two wall heaters replaced in the Fire Hall. The cost is to be limited to $1,000.00.
Blackburn reported on the status of operations in the Fire Dept. One item of interest he was anticipating was the adding of text message capabilities to their equipment.
Tina Fletcher, Councilperson, reported that she had been busy mailing out notices to vendors for possibly reserving booths for “Red Apple Day” celebration 2010. She reported a good response from her mail outs.
Winfred Gaither, City Recorder