January 02, 2012 at 8:14am
Just wanted to let everyone know that spring2life has changed their website.
January 02, 2012 at 8:40am
We have people all around us that could benefit from rehab----let's try to cooperated to have something constructive instead of destructive ---
January 02, 2012 at 9:37am
30 persons in one house?? How big is this house? Sounds like a disaster environmentally, socially, economically(voluntary payment), and medically to me. TTT
January 02, 2012 at 10:18am
gee a facility to help the alcoholic and that is bad? Well, look around you "Concerned Citizens of Cannon County" you have many, MANY alchoholics around town that SHOULD be getting help. It sounds more like a complaint because the county is not getting any of this money, well boo-hoo. That is better I think then the facility asking the county to support them.. you mention that this is just like the Rock Quarry with the lack of zoning laws...and that you are not opposed to a rehab center just not one in a residential area-- sounds to me like you just want to control everything, however you might stop and think about it, you mention about the effect this will have on the neighborhood??? ummm, don't know if you read the paper or not but you have I don't know how many incidents occurring all over this county by persons NOT in a facility-- we need to watch our neighborhoods from them. You mention that the County will need to maintain the road in front of this house (which I imagine they do anyway for other residents already), more trash at the dump? you already have trash from several surrounding counties there now and unless this is the only house on that road I would imagine with some of the crime in this town the police already visit that area. Would you rather have this house sit empty and go the way of other communities?? Now isn't that a pleasant sounding community? many empty condemned buildings.... sounds to me like people just want to complain.
January 02, 2012 at 10:23am
by the way..non-profit or not I believe they still have to pay property taxes don't they? and that is suppose to pay for street maintenance and other things.
January 02, 2012 at 10:51am
Praise GOD there are people out there who want to try to help their fellow human being, instead of just putting them in jail, where by the way our taxes will go.....If they are helped they pay if they go to jail we pay.
January 02, 2012 at 11:06am
I have ridden that road many times, it is not well-maintained currently (without the rehab center). The area is not what could be considered a typical residential "house across the road" neighborhood, this is a highly rural area-- much better there then downtown.
January 02, 2012 at 11:35am
wow, sounds like an easy dollar to me. heck, think I will stick a sign in my yard and call my home a rehab center, since no medical personell is required.
January 02, 2012 at 12:43pm
They have a letter for the residents of Woodbury on their website. http://www.spring2life.net/PARTNERS.html
It would not bother me at all if it were next door to me. Some people just like to complain.
January 02, 2012 at 3:23pm
One question: Is this to be a male, female, or co-ed facility? With approximately 10 acres, there should be parking off-road provided. Has the house been added on to? The original house was not built to house 30 people unless stacked like cordwood. There, again, is where zoning comes into effect, the number of persons to the number of square feet living space. If I am not mistaken that house was having problems with its septic system when the original owners were trying to sell it. Hope the people living down hill are ready for what happens next. What is the possibility that a water line will be run that far out Hill Creek Road, or is there already one there?
Hill Creek Road is not well maintained and in fact is quite dangerous in places. If having a rehab facility will help get the road cared for, then, that would be a bonus. But, if it only adds to the traffic and destruction of the surface it will lead to more and larger potholes.
In town, you folks may be used to seeing stangers running, walking, or jogging past your homes, but out in the rural areas we are not. Seeing strangers running down my road will definitely get my attention and suspicion.
January 02, 2012 at 7:12pm
oh yes, Concerned Citizens I intended to mention your little comment about "more trash at the dump" --- well, that could be said for ANYONE new moving into the county, so can I assume that you don't want anyone new moving here because of more trash disposal, and possibly police patrol? Your reasonings such as "more use of the road" "more use of the police" and "more use of the convenience center" could be said about any improvement/addition to the county. Is it just your intention to keep any new businesses out? If not then you are just miffed that they are not giving the county the money so that the county (you apparently) cannot dictate how it operates. I would rather a rehab center is placed there then perhaps having an empty building used by someone to make meth/or sell drugs.
January 02, 2012 at 7:32pm
NO zoning restrictions! NO problem! The county could at LEAST repair the road to a condition where emergency personel could respond safely!
January 03, 2012 at 4:55am
This is from the letter to the residents of Woodbury posted on the spring2life website. As I stated before, I would have no problem if they were moving in next door to me
Frequently asked Questions and Concerns
-Q: Does S2L minister to the homeless?
-A: No. Spring 2 Life is not a homeless ministry like the Salvation Army or the Mission. Most of the people that come
to S2L come straight from their home because they want to learn how to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.
-Q: What do the residents do on a daily basis?
-A: “The Lodge” (as we call it) is a place of bible training and discipline. Residents of The Lodge are not allowed to
work, nor can have their own cars or even leave the campus without staff supervision. It is like a vacation bible
school for adults!
-Q: Is there a minister on the property?
-A: Yes. S2L houses 2 live in ministers that are present 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
-Q: Has Spring 2 Life ever had any problems within the community with neighbors or complaints?
-A: NO. For over 6 years Spring 2 Life has operated the discipleship ministry within the city and we have never had
one complaint from a neighbor. Actually our community appreciates what we do.
-Q: Does Spring 2 Life do any door to door campaigns?
-A: NO. Spring 2 Life does not do any type of door campaigns. We believe that people like their privacy and if they
wish to meet you, then they will let you know. The Bible says: “Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life” - 1
Thessalonians 4:11
-Q: How can Spring 2 Life help our community?
-A: Most of our neighbors surrounding our other houses embrace the ministry and participate in our chapel services
as well as our “Community Involvement” program. “Community Involvement” is how we teach our residents to care
for their community by helping the people in our community with common grounds work (ie: raking leafs, cleaning
gutters, mulching, gardening, building, etc.) as well as supporting surrounding ministries that give to the
community. S2L residents provide over 180 hours of individual volunteer hours per week to local community and
civic groups in Murfreesboro alone through our “Community Involvement” program.
-Q: How many residents will be in the discipleship program?
-A: Our first phase will house about 15 students at a time, however on some nights we will have about 30 students
attend a night class but those students will only be there for about an hour and will go home after bible study.
-Q: How does Spring 2 Life deal with parking and traffic problems?
-A: Spring 2 Life does not allow the resident to have their own or operate cars. However, on times of visitation
(Sunday’s from 1:30-4:30pm) there will be a few extra cars on the property. Spring 2 Life will expand our driveway
and add some extra space (near the back of the property) for cars to park.
-Q: What about the septic needs for the added residents?
-A: Spring 2 Life is consulting with professionals to advise us of any needed upgrades to our septic system. If there is
a need for a larger septic system we will, most defiantly, make the upgrades.
-Q: How much does it cost the residents of Spring 2 Life?
-A: Spring 2 Life does have a monthly suggested support amount of $1,500, however S2L also provides scholarship
to people who cannot afford to support us at the time. S2L has NEVER turned a person away because of their
financial status. Most of the residents in the program are on scholarship right now. S2L does not receive any
financial support from any local or federal entities. All of our support comes from the people who support our cause
and residents.
January 03, 2012 at 10:02pm
CONCERNED CITIZENS OF CANNON COUNTY your letter is filled with fail. Sounds about right for the "Christian" folks in Cannon County. This will cause a drop in the people they can look down their nose at. "May God have mercy on Cannon County" I'd say he has is the only reason we are still here.
January 04, 2012 at 4:50pm
The letter, I noted, was signed "May god have mercy on Cannon county". If this person or persons who are against this rehab, truly had anything to do with God, then they would welcome a place to help people with this problem of addiction. I would say a vast majority of Cannon citizens could benefit. That statement is not to be made light of either. Maybe some of these people could end up out of jail and have help they need. A true Christian person seeks to help their fellow man. Not push them out. I consider myself a Christian, but not a fake one trying to rally up some kind of opposition to something that could help people who are at their lowest in life. People CAN be changed, especially if God is at the center. I remember several years ago the same opposition was voiced for Generations, a facility to help mentally ill people get back on their own. WHY does it seem that anything new and different seems to be so hard for some of this county to accept? My daughter worked at that place for awhile and I never recall any real problems. But it was made into a story of wild crazed people gonna be at everyone's door with a axe!! Seems like this go around of opposition will be the same. Some of you Cannon county citizens need to check into the "real world" and get your head out of the sand.
January 04, 2012 at 7:22pm
Go back & read the last sentence in paragraph 5. No one is against this rehab center. Just the location. If it were YOUR well water & septic system you would be concerned also.
January 04, 2012 at 10:08pm
i have lived in cannon county all my life and have been trying to build a house here on a 20ac farm for the past 5yrs for my wife and child and the health dept. wont let us have a septic system for only us 3 but they are going to let S2L have 30 people on one tank its all in who you know in this town if they do allow this to go on people like me will go a little further then the health dept.we will call the state office and raise cane .i hear people talking about the drunks in woodbury and this would be a good safe place for them but if you look at the drunks in this town do they look like they can afford $1500 a mounth to stay there and our legal system seems to keep letting them go time after time
January 05, 2012 at 9:44am
I support this organization for trying to help people in need in Cannon County. What I don't understand is how people are complaining about this organization when I never heard anybody complain about Renewed Life Ministries which is located at 2987 McMinnville Highway, also a organization I support for what they do, they allow people to come straight from jail to the house they use. Why complain when about something when it benefit people in need.
January 05, 2012 at 11:51am
People need to get the facts. The fact is these people stated on their website that they were moving 30 people into this house. Maybe you should drive by this house & see if you think it will support 30 people. Maybe you should call your local Sheriff, or any law enforcement personnel and ask them how much crime is associated with alcohol & drug abuse. Some of these addicts are never rehabilitated. Spring2life has admitted they have only a 85% success rate, what about the other 15% that don't get rehabilitated that they are bringing into our neighborhood? No one is against rehabilitation but there is a place for it. It is not in a quiet little neighborhood in this county that doesn't have city water or a sewer system that will support that many people. People will be coming in from all over the country, not just Cannon County. Ask yourself if we don't have enough drug problems in this county right now? Ask yourself if you would like to raise your children right across from this place or right next door? Would you like your grandchildren living next door to this place? Ask yourself these questions & do some research before you start supporting either side. There are a lot more issues with this than just the problems with overcrowding in a residence with well water and a septic system. There is a real concern for the safety of the people in this community. Again, no one is against drug rehabilitation, just the location, location, location, of this place.
January 05, 2012 at 12:53pm
If you are for or against, we still need stricker zoning laws in the county.
James Adkins
January 05, 2012 at 2:44pm
Yes Cannon needs zoning laws. We all know that. Cannon is behind in this current world. They also need people with a sense of reality. 85 percent rehab success rate! think of those who have been changes for the better. We have more than that 15 percent waiting in that probation line on Wednesdays. Oh well. it's another issue for a little drama in Cannon county!
January 05, 2012 at 8:48pm
Hey Ticked-- the septic tank is based on the number of bedrooms a house has, not the number of persons. There must be another reason you cannot have one. I built a home and had a septic system installed for only 3 and it was irrelevant how many persons lived there, but how many bedrooms there were. And for what it is worth, at the time I had moved here from out of state and knew nobody here, so it wasn't "who I was or knew"
January 06, 2012 at 8:13am
hey debbiejen i made some calls yesterday and the state said they agree with me that 1 tank is not good enough to support that many people when they issue a permit for a tank the do look at how many bedrooms it has and they estimate 2 people per room so when they do open they will check into.If you are so for this to come here write them a letter and invite them to build on your land or they can just move in your house with you and by the way most contarctors car get a rock to perk but us taxpayers cant
January 06, 2012 at 11:12am
Apparently some folks on here can't read. Spring2life has answered all the questions you people keep asking.
"Our first phase will house about 15 students at a time, however on some nights we will have about 30 students attend a night class but those students will only be there for about an hour and will go home after bible study."
"Spring 2 Life is consulting with professionals to advise us of any needed upgrades to our septic system. If there is
a need for a larger septic system we will, most defiantly, make the upgrades."
January 07, 2012 at 1:16am
January 08, 2012 at 5:46pm
Hello to the good people of Woodbury. First of all i would like to say that we completely understand the concerns that you have for your community and we want you to know that we value your town as much as you do. With that said, I have seen many comments on this forum that i would like to address. First of all there will ONLY BE 15 residents going through the discipleship program. We had recently stated (on our website) that the facility would be a 30 STUDENT property, however all STUDENTS are not RESIDENTS of S2L. It was never intended to mean that 30 people would live at the facility.
S2L does many other forms of outreach that does not include residents…
o Catapult is our Weekly support group meeting (in Murfreesboro) on Thursdays at 7pm.
oWe would like to offer this support group meeting to the town of Woodbury, and yes we do hope that 20-30 people from this area attend. That is our mission!! However, these are students, not residents!
oThis is where our ministry (along with the RESIDENTS) went to Patterson Park and did a drug an alcohol awareness rally. (News channel 5 recently did a story about this event, PRAISING OUR EFFORTS) AGAIN, these are students, not residents!
S2L Family Workshop
oOur family workshop is a quarterly event we have in Murfreesboro for families to learn how to walk together with Jesus and find peace at home. These families are not residents!
The point is, S2L is a ministry that offers many different outreaches to the community all centered on helping families and individuals find lasting peace and happiness in their life with Christ, and the website was changed in an attempt to cut down on confusion and have a more peaceful transition to Woodbury.
Also, about the added people living on the property: Some people are saying that the house is only a three bedroom house. THIS IS INCORRECT!! First of all, the public records that state those figures must have been before the completion of the first level (i am not sure, because it was before we moved in) but the main house has 6 bedrooms and one masterbedroom and three bathrooms. Plus, there is a second house that has two bedrooms and one bathroom. That is a total of 9 bedrooms! If two people lived in each bedroom, that would be 18 PEOPLE. We only have 15. If you would like to come and see the bedrooms or layout of the house, just call me and i will arrange a tour.
Also, remember that there was (at one point) a house trailer on the property as well and none of these problems existed.
Also, about the Septic system and Well Water. Spring 2 Life has consulted with several professionals about our septic system and well water and they said that we have a great septic system and our TWO SEPARATE wells are very productive and stable. HOWEVER, S2L is taking pro-active measures to ensure the people around us that there will never be any problems.
- We purchased TWO 250 gallon water tanks that we will transport water from our other location in Murfreesboro to the house in Woodbury for general usage so we can conserve water.
- Also, we have purchased aerators on faucets and flow reducer nozzles on showers to help lower water consumption. We are using displacers to reduce the amount of water needed to flush the toilet.
- And we are getting a contract with the laundry mat to do all of the residents laundry instead of doing it there.
- We are getting a contract with a septic tank company to have our system pumped when needed and treated every 3 months.
My last point is, the men that we minister to (YES MEN ONLY, NOT CO-ED) are the people that are living all around us, and we simply want to help them. A similar discipleship home (The DreamCenter of LA) decreased the crime rate by 35%. Spring 2 Life has been doing this discipleship program in Murfreesboro for over 6 years and we have never had a complaint from anyone about our guys. Because "our guys" are just your sons, husbands, uncles and fathers that just made some mistakes and are man enough to admit that and try to better themselves. We love this state, and value its people and our ONLY MISSION is to usher them into freedom in Jesus Christ.
God bless you all.
Sincerely, Pastor Erik Hines
January 09, 2012 at 11:32am
sounds like you guys are going to make an effort, a lot of people don't like the way you are coming into the neighborhood,with all the secrecy,I think that may be how some of this fuss got started.Out here a good neighbor knocks on your front door if he is going to do something that affects you and the community,Nobody wants to learn about something from a flyer on their mailbox.I have more questions but don't have the time to post right now,get back to you later
January 09, 2012 at 11:42am
sounds like you guys are going to make an effort, a lot of people don't like the way you are coming into the neighborhood,with all the secrecy,I think that may be how some of this fuss got started.Out here a good neighbor knocks on your front door if he is going to do something that affects you and the community,Nobody wants to learn about something from a flyer on their mailbox.I have more questions but don't have the time to post right now,get back to you later
January 09, 2012 at 12:48pm
Thank u Mr. Henry and yes we are doing everything in our power to be a good neighbor. I also assure u that we were not intending on being secretive about our presence in the community. We announced it on our website and I personally met with the executive commissioner as well as left messages and information with the Mayor. However, I do wish we would have made a better effort to educate the neighbors, we just did not want to march a bunch of strangers up to someone's door without permission. Thank u again for the encouragment
January 09, 2012 at 5:55pm
These kind of Pharisee attitudes against extending a hand to those families and people in need (because addiction affects the whole family) are the kind of neighbors I would be more concerned about living next door to! Since when is my neighbors septic tank problems, my business anyway? A word to Pastor Erik...This proves, "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished" You have more support than you know. Blessings to Spring 2 Life!!!
January 09, 2012 at 10:52pm
Mr Hines we applaud your efforts in rehabilitation of addicts & alcoholics, however, we state again a residential area is not the place to do this. We see this all day long, we open up the paper & see the cruelty & horrors that people do to one another. That's why we buy & pay for homes so that we can have a safe place to retire or raise our children. Why should we be forced to give up our safety & be forced to live next door to drug addicts & alcoholics? We elect our county officials for the main purpose of protecting us & the welfare of our community, but thanks to the backward thinking of our elected officials, Cannon County has become a dump for all the unwanted businesses that the surrounding counties don't want. For all you self righteous, finger pointing people who are not forced to live near this place, we again point out we are not against any worthwhile effort to put productive citizens back into society. Again, I don't support this type of place in any residential area of Cannon County. How do you plan to keep these people on your property? Do you consider spring2life morally & possibly, legally, responsible for the actions of the residents while they are in your care? After all, you brought them into this county; you should be held accountable. What do you intend to do for Cannon County? If you file an exempt from the state, you don't even have to pay property or sales taxes. This county is poor, we can't even fix our roads, can't get decent drinking water to some of our residents, closing voting places, not enough police protection, our health department is in a building that has been condemned twice, talk of closing schools, etc. If you care so much about this community, aside from helping the country's alcoholics & addicts, how about a little financial support?
January 10, 2012 at 6:54am
Mr Henry, I would like to say first and foremost, our ministry is ministering to the people of Cannon County. We currently have 4 residents that are from Cannon County, one of which lived on Hill Creek rd right before coming into the program. Also, our guys, have NEVER jeprodized the saftey of our neighbors in Murfreesboro, i dont understand why people assume they will start now when they are much closer than in Woodbury. Again, we have been doing this over 6 years! Secondly, people are thinking that we are some big company that has unlimited funds with the ability to build roads and hospitals, however it is not that way. We are a small ministry led by my wife and I and my best friend John and his wife. We have bills and mortgage like everyone else. We struggle to finance the mission we have just like any ministry. The point is, this property is in the country with only a few neighbors around. Behind our property is close to 100 acres of land used for hunting, horseback riding and hiking. We are trying to be away from people as much as possible, but we cannot afford to purchase the land around us for miles so that we don't offend people. We simply uphold our integrity, keep to ourselves and push forward in the calling that GOD has for us and face opposition as HIS way of making us better and stronger.
January 10, 2012 at 11:48am
Mr pastorerik,thanks for your response,but if you would care to reread my previous post you will find some more questions,would you like to address them?Thanks I have more questions but again I just don't have the time right now.
January 10, 2012 at 3:47pm
I think what Pastor Erik Hines is doing is great. I don't see nobody else in this county doing nothing about the drugs and alcohol problem except complaining about i, me included. It would not bother me at all for me and my family to live next door to such a place. I don't see how it can be more dangerous than having any other new neighbors move in that might be setting up a meth lab. At least you have a idea of who moving in. Another point if this program can help some of the repeat offenders I see in the newspaper every week there might be more money available in county to go to another departments than the jail to help improve the roads, schools, etc. of this county.
January 11, 2012 at 6:01pm
I don't see how it is the responsibility of Spring 2 Life to ensure anyone's safety, being that we cannot control anyone. Did u know that over 1,500 meth labs were busted in the middle Tennessee area,.. Well, u can be ASSURED that the property will not be a meth lab. You can be ASSURED that two ministers will be there 24 hours a day. You can be ASSURED that there will be good honest people in leadership over the property. You can be ASSURED that there will be video survelance over our property. What ASSURANCES do u have if Spring 2 Life does not live there, and some total strangers lived there? There is a possibility that a drug dealer would live there, a meth lab, even a killer, and then what ASSURANCES do u have? The best indicator of the future is to look at the past, and ever since the doors opened, Spring 2 Life has not had ONE altercation with a neighbor. Not ONCE has a fight happened, not ONCE has a resident bothered, stolen, or even offended a neighbor. Why do u think things have changed now that we are further away from neighbors?
January 12, 2012 at 7:02pm
pastorerik seems to be more than willing to open his door not only to those lost souls that need it, but to any and all would would like to visit, and tour this discipleship Christian Center. He want to be a good neighbor, I have met some of these young men in this program, and they model what we all would want our children, friends, family and neighbors to conduct themselves. They are genuine, reserved, humble and caring young men. All they want is a second chance to prove they can be not only productive citizens, but Godly men, men of spiritual character. I assure you it is not these men or this ministery you should be in fear of...it is those that dont want to change, or havent been offered a chance for change. I know in my heart that Jesus would not turn anyone away, neither would pastor Hines or his ministry. Im sure if you give him(pastorhines) a chance, visit them, talk to him, in the same way you would any neighbor moving next to you....because they are people, human beings, just regular folks. I think somewhere in the Bible Jesus talks about being a good neighbor, about loving. One of the Commandments I believe. ;)
They want to be an asset to your commuinity, if given a chance you will see this become a reality. I pray you do. God Bless us all.
January 13, 2012 at 7:10am
I would like to say thanks to everyone on this website for their support of Spring 2 Life and the difficult calling that we have received. Overall we have felt a warm welcome to the great community of Woodbury, and I want to extend an invitation to u all to our open house next Saturday from 12pm-3pm. Also, there will be a town meeting tomorrow at the courthouse (The County Commisioners meeting) at 10am and we would love to see everyone come out in support of our ministry. I am told that the people that oppose us will be there to voice their opinion so we wanted to let everyone know that your opinion (opposing or supporting) is appreciated. Thanks and hope to see u in the morning.