Left to Right: First United Church Pastor, John Wesley Hembree, SAVE Board Member Wanda Parker, SAVE Director Lisa Baird and SAVE Board Treasurer Penny Daniels.
The church recently donated items of coloring books, crayons, diapers wipes, fruit juices boxes and children's vitamins. The church has also provided "Medical Kits' that consist of soap, wash clothes, band aides, tooth brushes/toothpaste and other hygiene items.
The items will be given to individuals and families in Cannon County who are victims of domestic abuse and or sexual assault.
The church plans to make this an own going project and wishes to help the program in anyway possible. The items are a true blessing to this agency. As everywhere, our budget is very tight. We greatly appreciate the kindness and generosity of First United.
All to often when a client comes into the program bringing the smallest of victims, their children. These little ones are frightened and often hungry. The juice boxes and coloring books will provide them nourishment and for a short time, something to take their mind off the adult issues at hand.
The other items will greatly assist the adult victims who are already financially strained and assist them in caring for their family, lessen the financial burden.
"Thank you again to First United Methodist for all you do," said Lisa Baird, SAVE director.