Pending approval of a Five-Year Strategic Plan, Cannon County is set to rejoin Tennessee's Three-Star Program.
The plan's approval should come this Saturday, by the Cannon County Commission, when it meets in special session at 10 a.m. at the Cannon County Courthouse.
Cannon County opted not to participate in last year’s Three-Star Program after it was determined all the requirements for participation could not be met.
To regain certification, Cannon County completed the requirements outlined on the Three-Star Report Card for Benchmark 1.
Requirements included the strategic plan, establishing development priorities, preparing effective measurable actions, responsibilities and a timeline, and maintaining an adult leadership program, a heath care committee, an enhanced website, an existing industry program, an education committee and a community emergency preparedness program.
Cannon County will regain certification once the County Commission adopts the Strategic Plan created by the county’s Three-Star Committee and the County Executive’s office on Saturday. County Executive Mike Gannon and Neal Applebaum will receive their Three-Star certification at the Governor’s Conference on Economic and Community Development on Sept. 16-17 in Murfreesboro.
After Cannon County regains Three-Star certification, it will implement the Strategic Plan following the Three-Star process. Implementing the process will help the county achieve its economic and community development goals.
Incentives for receiving the certification include identification on all FastTrack infrastructure and job training applications; eligibility for matching grants, if criteria set by ECD are met; and the advantage of earning points in the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program.
Other benefits of the Three-Star Program include:
• Development of a Strategic Plan of which includes measurable goals, specific actions steps, responsible parties and a timeline, and annual updates.
• Committees consisting of volunteers and professionals working together to accomplish the goals established.
• Assistance/guidance from the Regional Economic Development Specialist (REDS) on Economic and Community Development Initiatives.
• The Three-Star Program is a program of work that encourages communities to work towards and accomplish "Best Practice" initiatives.
• The REDS work as a team communicating "Best Practice" initiatives utilized all across the state providing community leaders with several examples and scenarios in accomplishing their goal.