Information for this report was obtained by the Cannon Courier by searching public records at the Cannon County Register of Deeds Office. All information recorded by the Register of Deeds Office is by law public record and is available to any citizen or media representative upon request.
Deutsche Bank National Trust Company TO Penny L. Davis, House & tract on McMinnville Hwy., 8th dist., $82,000.
Jon Michael Elzeer TO Michael Simmons, House & Lot #1, Lake Ann Estates, 5th dist., $143,500.
Bruce Todd et ux TO Rasmus W. Johnson et ux, House & Lot #10, Maple Crest Estates, Phase 1, 8th dist., $88,000.
William Brevard Smith Revocable Living Trust TO Susan E. Trail, 41.925 aces more or less on John Bragg Highway, 6th dist., $125,775.
Steve Alexander Smith TO Donnie R. Estes, 1.49 acres more or less on Murfreesboro Rd., 6th dist., $47,500.
Phillip E. Gardner TO Perry J. Stone, House & 1 acre more or less on Sugar Tree Knob Rd., 15th dist., $74,900.
David Mayo TO Janella Prater, 1 acre more or less on Hills Creek to Ironium Rd., 8th dist., $10,000.
J. Phillip Jones, Trustee TO U.S. Bank, N.A., House & Lot #13, Indian Springs, Phase V, 12th. dist., $112,262.79.
Thomas A. Smith et us TO Jerry Pelham et us, Lot #1, Georgetown Estates. Section 1, 6th dist., $18,500.
Shellie Wallace, Successor Trustee TO U.S. Bank N.A., .62 acre more or less on Burt Burgen Rd., 13th dist., $22,000.
Joe Duggin et ux TO James Barry Mitchell et ux, 13 acres more or less on Jacksboro Rd., 5th dist., $45,000.
THB Inc. TO Edith McReynolds, House & 2.852 acres more or less on Claude Wilcher Rd., 6th dist., $187,500.
Edward Doyle Duke et ux TO Robert J. Hyatt et ux, 32.50 acres more or less on Toy Denny Rd., 13th dist., $130,000.
Darl W. Smith et ux TO Virgil Duggin et ux, 15.56 acres more or less on Pleasant View Rd., 5th dist., $55,000.
Shellie Wallace, Successor Trustee TO Federal National Mortgage Association, House & 4.44 acres more or less on Short Mountain Road, 9th dist., $165,184.86.
Natasha Prince TO Timothy William Anderson, Hoyuse & Lot #33, Houston Hills Subdivision, Sec. 11, 6th dist., $110,500.
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. TO Todd Taggart et al, Lot #3, Michael Simmons Subdivision, 4th dist., $32,000.
Shellie Wallace, Successor Trustee TO The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, House and 5 acres more or less on Hills Creek Rd., 14th dist., $150,046.50.
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. TO Donnie R. Estes, House & 0.61 acre more or less on Pleasant Ridge Rd., 14th dist., $25,000.
Ronald Gary Swim TO Rickey L. Smotherman et al, Building & lot on the South side of the Public Square. 6th dist., $35,000.
Ryan Joe Parnell et ux TO Halle Properties, LLC, House & Lot #29, Houston Hills Subdivision, Sec. II, 6th dist., $176,051.
Christine Poythress TO Jennifer L. Stembridge et al, 3.31 acres more or less on Parchcorn Hollow Rd., 8th dist., $9,200.
The Bank of New York Mellon TO Eddie L. Williams et ux, House & 0.81 acre more or less on Bradyville Rd., 3rd dist., $38,000.