November 10, 2010 at 4:11pm
Better get in line fast, one recommendation of the deficit commission is to cut back on some subsidies.
And for the record: Total USDA Subsidies in Cannon County, Tennessee, 1995-2009
Subsidy Recipients 1,013
Recipients of Total USDA Subsidies from farms in Cannon County, Tennessee received $10,839,000.
And who said our tax dollars don't come back home. furnished the data.
November 10, 2010 at 4:57pm
Are these programs part of $300 billion Farm Bill that GWB vetoed only to have his veto overturned and that Senator Obama supported?
November 15, 2010 at 8:16am
Ringo--Good many supported and a number of locals collected. Here are the top 20 Cannon County recipients over the past few years:
Cannon County --Total USDA Subsidies
1995-2009 From --made available under the FOIA.
1 Charles D Powell Morrison, TN 37357 $854,124
2 David D George Bradyville, TN 37026 $569,096
3 Jerry Powell Morrison, TN 37357 $369,525
4 Jimmy H Fann Woodbury, TN 37190 $314,379
5 James B Jernigan Bradyville, TN 37026 $286,407
6 Dkm Farms ∗ Bradyville, TN 37026 $255,976
7 Jerry L Young Woodbury, TN 37190 $214,920
8 William K Bowman Jr Morrison, TN 37357 $192,356
9 Barker Farms ∗ Readyville, TN 37149 $177,532
10 Dkm Farms ∗ Bradyville, TN 37026 $177,174
11 Bruce A Daniel Bradyville, TN 37026 $175,515
12 Charles Bowman Bradyville, TN 37026 $159,436
13 Joseph A Duke Woodbury, TN 37190 $150,194
14 Jeff Powell Morrison, TN 37357 $143,964
15 Gary Witty Morrison, TN 37357 $138,601
16 Larry Joe Young Bradyville, TN 37026 $133,881
17 Huff & Puff Acres Inc ∗ Bradyville, TN 37026 $131,883
18 Allan F Pack Bradyville, TN 37026 $113,013
19 C Anthony Hutchison Morrison, TN 37357 $111,747
20 Russell Vance Morrison, TN 37357 $106,640
November 15, 2010 at 1:47pm
wow dailyreader, i had no idea there was this much money to be had from the feds. but if any of these guys are republicans, how can they have the gall to even suggest that unemployment benefits should not be extended to those who can't find a job yet in their chosen career? let's "get gov't off the backs" of these guys and see if any makes it on their own.
November 15, 2010 at 5:08pm
Applejack: One of those listed ran campaign for Tracy in the county--some other names listed have long been associated with the Republican party locally but that does not stop them from lining up at the trough.
Note, when you continue on, you will see this is passed from generation to generation.
November 16, 2010 at 6:32am
dailyreader, Tracy did not run in this county.
I'm not going to go along with the notion that if you support one government program, you must support them all. Each should be judged on not only its merits, but also cost.
The article says the subsidies are available to people who "produce" and take "risks." Not all beneficiaries of government subsidies can make that claim.
How much money one already has should also play a factor. dailyreader, you were stating a few weeks back that you were happy to take a $250 drug rebate and wanted another $250 senior benefit, yet it occurs to me you probably spend that much a year for Internet access, which you could easily do without.
November 16, 2010 at 3:15pm
Mr Halpern, from the Courier(summary of topics):
"There will be a new look at Cannon County High School next year, ... Red Cross 2010 Local Fundraising Campaign Begins ... Senator Jim Tracy announced today that Charlie Bowman will Chair his efforts in Cannon County in his race for ... FirstBank Manager, Wanda Parker presented a check for 100.00 on ..."
I do agree that each program must be judged on its own merits. The bulk of subsidy dollars are going to the large farms and corporations who do not need nor deserve these payments. I am for small struggling farmers(also small struggling businesses) to receive tax dollars to get on top.
And since you mentioned how much money one has should play into the taking--one must assume that those taking houndreds of thousands of dollars "must" need that to stay afloat.
Also note that there is little risk in setting aside a few hunred acres in some conservation program and then receiving thousands of dollars for that"high risk" farming operation.
You are correct, internet and doughnut hole a trade off but then the Courier and doughnut hole is a trade off also--honestly I would rather have the Courier.
November 16, 2010 at 4:07pm
I forgot that Tracy ran in the primary for Congress.
I wasn't saving that I agree with either the merits or structure of the farm subsidy programs. That's for the bureaucrats to decide. I have no idea how much those operations have paid in taxes over the 15-year period, or how many people they employ.
November 16, 2010 at 4:47pm
dailyreader, are we just taking it for granted that the profit margin is higher for a big farm than one that is small, and that small farms have a higher percentage of operating expenditures than do large ones?
November 17, 2010 at 8:38am
Mr Halpern, I don't know if the profit margins are higher on the large farms but if the small farmer (or small business owner) is trying to get his/her operation up and running and needs some subsidy money to make that transition, then I am in agreement with that assistance, but not as bullpen noted, a cradle to grave assistance. That also applies to individuals that milk the system from cradle to grave--at some point in time that should come to a halt (I am exempt on that $250 though--an age thing--take those dollars out of defense or farm subsidies).
When I look at the dollars going in the following operations, I wonder about the profit margins of those "farms".
Location Total USDA Subsidies
1 Riceland Foods Inc Stuttgart, AR 72160 $554,343,039
2 Producers Rice Mill Inc ∗ Wynne, AR 72396 $314,028,012
3 Farmers Rice Coop Sacramento, CA 95851 $146,174,314
4 Harvest States Cooperatives Saint Paul, MN 55164 $49,489,434
5 Dnrc Trust Land Management - Exem Helena, MT 59620 $47,207,258
6 Tyler Farms ∗ Helena, AR 72342 $37,009,744
7 Ducks Unlimited ∗ Ann Arbor, MI 48103 $33,271,517
NOTE: Over 80 percent of the payments listed for Ducks Unlimited are 'cost share' reimbursements for technical assistance to restore wetlands at many locations on private lands not owned by D.U. The technical assistance is provided to private landowners under contractual arrangement through USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service.
8 Sd Building Authority Sioux Falls, SD 57117 $31,110,468
9 Pilgrim's Pride Corporation ∗ Broadway, VA 22815 $26,461,206
10 Missouri Delta Farms ∗ Sikeston, MO 63801 $25,280,578
11 Bureau Of Indian Affairs ∗ Prescott, AZ 86304 $23,841,619
12 Montana Board Of Investments - Se Saint Paul, MN 55170 $23,448,121
13 Dublin Farms ∗ Corcoran, CA 93212 $22,302,288
14 Due West ∗ Glendora, MS 38928 $20,745,781
15 Balmoral Farming Partnership ∗ Newellton, LA 71357 $18,783,608
16 Gila River Farms ∗ Sacaton, AZ 85247 $18,136,605
17 Kelley Enterprises ∗ Burlison, TN 38015 $17,869,689
18 Cargill Turkey Products Harrisonburg, VA 22801 $17,593,150
19 Colorado River Indian Tribes Farm ∗ Parker, AZ 85344 $17,404,643
20 Napi ∗ Farmington, NM 87499 $17,215,618