TUESDAY, March 8, 2011
Auburn School
6:00 PM
Recognize Spelling Bee winners, Sr. Beta Club, and 4-H Public Speaking winners
1. Approve Agenda. – 1 minute
2. Consent Agenda – 1 minute
a. Approve the minutes of the February 10, 2011 meeting of the Board
b. Approve Bus Trips #1071, #1044, and #1063
c. Approve the 2011-2012 Staff Development Committee
d. Approve Recommendation of math textbooks from the textbook committee
3. Jennifer Insell, Food Service Director, will address the Board concerning beginning the process of joining a buying group with other surrounding Upper Cumberland Counties for Main Food/Non Food Items. – 3 minutes
4. Director’s Comments. – 3 minutes
a. Financial Report (if available) and Capital Outlay Report
b. Updates/Announcements
5. Chairman’s Comments. – 2 minutes
a. CCHS football practice field
b. CCHS data workshop
6. The next Board Meeting Workshop will be at the Central Office on April 12, 2011 at 6 PM. The next Regular Board Meeting will be Thursday, April 14, 2011 at 6 PM at East Side School.