Auditions: And the People Speak, adapted and directed by Chris Carnett
Sunday March 21 -- 6p to 8p
Monday March 22 -- 6p to 8p
Actors should bring a prepared monologue [from a different play] and also expect cold readings from the script.
Run Dates:
April 29 -- May 16 [three weeks]
Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays @ 730p
Sundays @ 200p
Rehearsal minimal as a whole group until the middle of April. Until then, work with the actors individually. Rehearsals will likely be Sundays, Mondays, and Wednesdays at the theater. Several actors will work in one night at allotted times.
The show monologues will be posted on our website so actors can peruse them before auditions.
And The People Speak...
Democracy isn’t a spectator sport.
Voices of a People’s History of the United States brings to life the extraordinary history of ordinary people who built the movements that made the United States what it is today, ending slavery and Jim Crow, protesting war and the genocide of Native Americans, creating unions and the eight hour work day, advancing women's rights and gay liberation, and struggling to right wrongs of the day.
By giving public expression to rebels, dissenters, and visionaries from our past—and present—this show seeks to educate and inspire a new generation working for social justice.
Looking for actors of all races and ages!
Out Front Productions
1511 East Main Street
Murfreesboro, TN 37130
(615) 869-8617