The Auburntown City Council met December 7, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. for their regular monthly meeting. The mayor and all councilmen were present except Frank Patrick.
The previous minutes of November were approved as presented by the City Recorder.
The financial report ending November 30th was approved following a brief explanation of some exceptional expenses. The balance of funds on deposit on that date was $41,266.55.
Mayor Roger Turney announced that there would a public hearing December 22, 2010 for the Contract Completion for the Auburntown/DeKalb Utility District. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the accomplishments of the 2008 CDBG Auburntown Water Line Extension Project by the B & B Excavating Co.
The Mayor asked for and received approval for him to secure five more Christmas lights to go in the C. S. Hawkins Park.
The Mayor passed out the Annual Audit for the town of Auburntown, ending June 30, 2010. The Mayor asked that the Councilmen look it over and bring any questions and concerns they may have to next month’s meeting for discussion.
Three students from CCHS Government Class attended this meeting as monitors. The three were: Phillip Underwood, Marissa Underwood and BreAnna O’Neal.
The meeting ended at approximately 6:35 p.m.
Winfred Gaither,
City Recorder