The Auburntown City Council met March 1, 2011 at 6:00 PM for their regular monthly meeting. Mayor, Roger Turney and all Councilpersons were present except Rita Davis and Beth Hancock.
The previous monthly meeting of February 2011 was presented by the City Recorder. The minutes were approved without dissent.
The financial report for the month ending 2-28-11 showing a total $44,812.46 was distributed and discussed. It was approved as presented.
Lisa Baird, BSW, representing Cannon County S.A.V.E. made a presentation of the activities and the specialized social work the organization provides for all the citizens of Cannon County. She passed out several brochures and leaflets to compliment her presentation. She gave a detail report of past accomplishments and her hopes for the future in giving victims of abuse in Cannon County support whenever needed.
The Council will review the presentation and act upon the request for assistance at next month’s regular meeting.
Kayla Wimberly from Cannon County High School Government class monitored this session of the meeting.
The meeting ended at 7:15 PM
Winfred Gaither, City Recorder