Interested in a Kindle Fire Tablet? The only thing better than a Kindle Fire Tablet is a FREE Kindle Fire Tablet. That's right, without having to answer numerous oddball surveys from friends on Facebook, you can be entered to win a FREE Kindle Fire Tablet for doing one simple thing: come to the library 50 times.
That's it. Come to the library. Check out a book. Spend some time on a computer. Borrow a DVD or music CD. Take home an audio book to enjoy while driving. Look up your family history in our genealogy room. Bring your children to story time. Come to a library program. Use our Wi-Fi on your device within the library's cool air-conditioned space. Come visit the library.
Does this sound too good to be true? It is not. Could it really be this easy to enter to win a Kindle Fire Tablet with a 7" display, Wi-Fi and 8 GB of digital storage space? Yes, it is this easy. This year Adams Memorial Library is celebrating 50 years of serving the citizens of Cannon County and to celebrate this milestone 10 Kindle Fire Tablets will be given away in July of 2017.
All you have to do to become eligible to win one is visit the library at least 50 times during the year. Visit once a week. Twice a week. Visit once a day. Every time you come to the library the staff will keep track of your visit. Every patron with 50 or more visits will be entered into the drawing.