Tennessee 4-H offers its members a choice of 26 program areas. 4-H'ers are encouraged to choose a project or projects and build their knowledge of the project subject material. Congratulations to all the 4-H members which competed in the Cannon County 4-H Demonstration and Interactive Exhibit Contest. After winning their school classroom competition, students were chosen to compete in the county competition. Grundy County 4-H Demonstration and Interactive Exhibit Contest was a success with the following winners:
Bella Pelham, Beef
4th grade Short Mountain
Ethan Simon, Consumer Education - 4th grade
West Side
Kiley Hughes, Electric
5th grade Auburn
Charlee Nichols, Electric 4th grade West Side
Jada Bobo, Food Science 4th grade Auburn
Emma Grace Hughes, Food Science - 5th grade Woodland
Jesse Tucker-Vaughn, Wildlife - 4th grade Auburn
Braxton Alexander, Goat
5th grade East Side
Dana Nixon, Health and Fitness - 4th grade Woodbury Grammar
Emily McCullough, Swine 5th grade West Side
Elizabeth Salaway, Clothing - 7th grade
West Side
Austin Powell, Communications - 7th grade Woodland
Will Byford, Electric
6th grade Short Mountain
Ashley Page, Food Science 7th grade West Side
Ian DeArmond, Food Science - 7th grade Woodbury Grammar
Ivy Travis, Horse
6th grade West Side
Katie Lamb, Line and Design - 6th grade
West Side
Sharon Bessant, Fitness - 6th grade Auburn
Amanda Blanco Performing Arts - 7th grade Woodbury Grammar
Angela Blanco, Performing Arts - 7th grade Woodbury Grammar
Rachel Laxton, Plant Science - 7th grade Woodland
Cannon County 4-H is grateful to the volunteers Rena House, Wendy Sneed, Joe Young, John Barker and Andy Duncan. Cannon County 4-H appreciates Middle Tennessee Electric for sponsoring the event. After winning the county contest, participants move on to the sub-regional contest held later in May in Murfreesboro.
Congratulations to all the participants! Programs in agriculture and natural resources, 4-H youth development, family and consumer sciences, and resource development. University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture and county governments cooperating.
UT Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment.
For more information about the Cannon County 4-H Program, please contact Sarah Malone, Extension Agent II, at 615-563-2554.