4-H Chick Chain - During the January 4-H club meetings, we are promoting and passing out applications for one of our 4-H animal projects; the 4-H chick chain. The 4-H chick chain is a project where 4-Hers receive 25 pullets, care for and raise them for approximately 4 months, and bring six back to the chick chain show and sale. After completing the project, each 4-Her is left with 19 chickens to provide them with eggs for the future.
Once again this year, we will be getting the Red Star Chicks, these chicks have known for their excellent egg-laying capacity, good nature and health, for years. These chicks are a cross between a Rhode Island Red and White Rock chicken. Due to rising costs of the project, the cost of participation will be $30.00 and the deadline to sign up for the chick chain is February 15th here at the 4-H office.
Electric Demonstration Contest - Every January something very shocking happens at the local 4-H club meetings… THE ELECTRICAL DEMONSTRAITON CONTEST! The electrical demonstration contest is a contest where 4-Hers can demonstrate how something electrical works, electrical safety, green or renewable energy; just be safe! Be looking for more information concerning the county electrical demonstration which will be coming up in March.
Special thanks to our sponsors of the electrical demonstration contest; MTEMC, who sponsors both the local and county contest as well as provides a scholarship for the county winning 6th and 7th grade demonstration to 4-H Electric Camp held each June at the University of Tennessee. http://4h.tennessee.edu/forms&materials/index.htm Upcoming Events and Activities:
Jan. 23rd - Tennessee 4-H Market Hog Show, TN Livestock Center, MTSU
Jan. 24th - 4-H Honor club meeting, Extension Office, 6:30 p.m.
Jan 29-30 - Woodland 4-H club Meetings
Feb. 6th - Auburntown 4-H club Meetings
Feb. 8th - Eastside 4-H club Meetings
Feb. 12th - Short Mtn. 4-H club Meetings
Feb. 14th and 21st - West Side 4-H club Meetings
Feb. 26th and 28th - Woodland 4-H club Meetings
Mark your calendars and get ready!!!- Although we are still in the doldrums of winter, sunny and warmer thoughts will return! Mark your calendars and get ready for a fun filled week at 4-H camp this summer. Our 4-H camps are renowned for their facilities and fun filled activities. There are two camps for our 4-Hers to take advantage of:
Junior High Camp (7th and 8th grades) will be held May 27th through 31st
Junior Camp (4th - 6th grades) will be held June 17th through 21st