The docket for Judge Susan Melton when she convenes General Sessions Court on Tuesday, Feb. 1 features at least 32 defendants.
Those who are due to appear in court and the charges they face are as follows:
Beverly Adamson: possession of Schedule II drugs, possession of Schedule IV drugs and possession of a Legend drug.
Joe Don Barrett: driving on a suspended license (1st offense), use of stolen plates, violation of the financial responsibility law.
Harry W. Brandon: simple possession or casual exchange, possession of Scehedule II drugs, possession of drug paraphernalia, reckless endangerment.
Clifford Wayne Brothers: aggravated assault, resisting arrest, public intoxication.
Renee L. Chapdelaine: disorderly conduct, resisting stop, frisk, halt, arrest.
Michael Troy Cook: criminal trespass, evading arrest, use of off highway vehicle on highway.
Michelle Lee Culwell: driving on suspended (1st offense).
Travis Joe Davenport: underage consumption, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, violation of the open container law.
Joe Don Fann: livestock running at large.
Billy Joe Griffith: simple possession.
Kristy Dawn Hayes: domestic assault, disorderly conduct, public intoxication.
Jeffrey Michael Hodges: driving on a suspended license.
Amanda Rhea Hollis: DUI (2nd offense), simple possession of Schedule III drugs, violation of the financial responsibility law.
Phillip Lynn Holt: domestic assault.
Johnny Michael Howard: DUI (2nd offense), driving on a revoked license.
Justin Paul Hutchinson: driving on a suspended license, violation of the insurance law.
Kim Johnson: harassment.
Jeremy Kenneth Leedom: simple possession of Schedule II drugs.
Thomas Keith McCullough: initiating the process to manufacture meth, manufacture of meth, maintaining a dwelling for the purpose of manufacturing meth, reckless endangerment, violation of probation.
Doyle Edwin Mooneyham: theft of property.
Michael Edward Muncy: promotion of methamphetamine manufacture, introduction of contraband into a penal institution, possession of drug paraphernalia, seat belt violation.
Brent M. Prewitt: failure to appear, show cause, violation of probation.
Marlin Christopher Prater: driving on a revoked license.
Thomas W. Reed: domestic assault.
Dallas Jay Rogers: driving on a suspended license.
Regina Ann Smith: simple possession, possession of drug paraphernalia.
Dustin Scott St. John: promotion of methamphetamine manufacture, criminal impersonation, evading arrest, simple possession of Schedule II drugs, seat belt violation.
Johnny Wade Stephens: DUI, violation of the implied consent law.
Mandi Dawn Sullivan: DUI, failure of obey traffic control device/signal.
Justin Aaron Taggart: domestic assault.
Patsy Ann Whitaker: violation of probation (2nd offense).
Robert C. Williams: DUI (2nd offense), violation of the implied consent law.