Prospective candidates seeking elected office in county government could begin picking up qualifying petitions this past Monday.
Those who have expressed interest in the various elected offices are:
Each person interested in running receives a Candidate Information Guide from the Election Commission Office. In addition to the petition and the guide, which must be returned with the signature of at least 25 registered Cannon County voters, the packet contains a Statement of Disclosure of Interest Information sheet, a Statement of Disclosure of Interest Form, a Financial Exemption Form, an Appointment of Treasurer Form, Campaign Financial Disclosure Instructions and a Campaign Financial Disclosure Form.
The qualifying information forms must be returned to the Election Commission Office by noon on April 1. However, officials are recommending they be returned as early as possible.
“We are urging people to bring them in way ahead of time, so that we can check them and make sure they have done everything according to law,” Stan Dobson, Administrator of Elections, said.
Monday was also the first day that ballots can be requested by members of the military for absentee voting by mail.
Stay tuned to for updates.