November 19, 2010 at 2:33pm
Shouldn't someone tell dailyreader that these signs say Christmas in them and that is a violation of the fictious "seperation of church and state" clause.
I am sure he will have a glorious response that will amaze all of us ignorant hillbillies seeing how he is a Professor of all knowledge and such a world traveler.
I think we should sue the Lions club and make them change the signs to say Happy Holidays because I am offended and I need $10,000 for pain and suffering each time I pass by the courthouse.
Maybe we can get dailyreader to represent us because I am sure he is a lawyer.
November 19, 2010 at 4:00pm
Thank You Lions Club. The square looks better than ever. I have even noticed some of the building on the east side have gotten some fresh paint... Lookin Good Woodbury
November 20, 2010 at 8:20am
Thank you lions club and Merry Christmas!
November 20, 2010 at 9:07pm
The square looks great! Thank you Lions and merchants. Christy, sounds like you are trying to start something!!!!
November 22, 2010 at 6:30am
Thanks to the Lions club,and all those who help make the town beautiful for the holidays. And a gentle reminder to christy,there is always "a rat" in the word separate.(not seperate).One of my teachers taught me that little way to remember the spelling.
November 22, 2010 at 2:42pm
I also agree that the square looks great. Thank you Woodbury Lions club for this added beautification. Christy, if you are offended, the town does have a bypass that you can drive on and not look at the signs. When you do have to walk in to one of these businesses on the town square, just hang your head low so that everyone will know who you are and can pray to Christ for you.
By the way, The Woodbury Lions Club is a non-profit organization, and while I am no expert in law, I do say bring on your law suit...there is no "churh and state" involved in hanging these signs