VOICES: What The Polls Say

Following is a summary of current and recent polls on CannonCourier.com:

• Around 60 percent of voters want local elementary schools consolidated to save money or prevent an increase in property taxes.

• About 65 percent favor a cut in county government services and/or employees/employee work hours over raising property taxes to fund the 2012-2013 fiscal year budget.

• 66 percent oppose an increase in the local option sales tax.

• Close to 85 percent favor term limits for local elected officials.

• Slightly over 85 percent think Cannon County Government should have a centralized office of accounting, government and purchasing.

• Over 55 percent don't think Cannon County's schools are doing a good enough job preparing students for their post-education lives and careers.

• About 63 percent think extending the four-lane highway through Woodbury would help the town and Cannon County in the future.

• 60 percent of responders have not attended a local government meeting in the last two years, including 32 percent who say they have never been to one.

• Package liquor sales in Woodbury is OK by 62.7 percent of voters.

• Sunday beers sales in Cannon County is favored by a slim margin over those opposed to it.

• Drug testing before people are approved for welfare assistance is backed by 92.5 percent of voters.

• Gay marriage is opposed by 90.3 percent.

• Cannon County's proverbial glass is "half empty" according to 65 percent of the people who voted.

(Suggestions for future CannonCourier.com polls are welcomed. Please e-mail your potential poll question to news@cannoncourier.com)